Modern science probing the quantum realm, morphogenic fields, financial panics and mob behaviors all acknowledge there is an unseen web of unconscious communication between humans that is non-verbal. Fringe science studies remote viewing, ESP and techniques of divination which point to the human ability to transcend space and time tapping into non-local information. So too do modern medicine and psychology acknowledge the ability to infect other humans with microscopic agents of disease and energetic mind viruses. One might say all humans are haunted. By design.
From BlackRock to Black Hole III
On the human journey from our current political divide of labor and capital, communism versus free enterprise evolves to my proposed end state, bioadministration, the allocation of energy is a keystone and a foundation stone. The alpha and omega of life is the ability to gather energy to sustain itself and to deal with all the challenges facing this unavoidable task. From ethics to economics to geopolitics, everything can be reduced to the gathering and allocation of life force. Therefore, the importance of getting this relationship right and fair cannot be overstated.
From BlackRock to Black Hole II
Our global financial system is mature enough and competitive enough that the emerging dominance of BlackRock must be cosmically supported by either the right hand or the left hand. One hand attracts us to our cosmically designed evolution and the other hand applies painful lessons not easy to forget also to manage humanity’s cosmically designed evolution. On the individual level this the shaping of our life by listening to our conscience versus being driven to remorse and metanoia by the exposure of an open hole in our psyche.
From BlackRock to Black Hole: A Case Study
I watched a micro doc video about BlackRock from the point of view of a “conspiracy theorist” decrying its behemoth status and state of power over the entire financial system. And the reach of their Aladdin AI system is arguably, with north of $66 trillion under management, the center of gravity of the financial world. With their push into ESG scoring determining access to capital, BlackRock is entering a new realm of attempting to force an ethics, their ethics, upon the capitalist system. When a single organ is so influential that its error or demise threatens the entire organism then there it is a juicy target to see where, how and why they fit into bioadministration, cosmonomics and citadelization. A case study.
Governmental Mind
Leadership within an organization of humans has traveled a long and tortured road of being ruled by the strongest, the bravest, the richest as well as the most ruthless, the most cunning and just being the eldest son of the last leader. Being the smartest and wisest and fairest is somewhere way down the list. Let us explore how our internal organization handles the day to day administration of its being to see what it reveals.
Memorized Sensation II
My last post on cosmonomics dealt with life cycle of a red blood cell and its highly reconciled memorized sensation we call bile. Life giving life to life by death. Here death has the high purpose of restoring homeostasis by the release of an extremely potent chemical substance that can buffer pH and an extremely potent concentration of memory for the self to digest non-self.
Soul, Ego and Citadel
If we look at nature on Earth as an ongoing experiment with many trials and many failed attempts, then we might learn something important about being human and what the cosmos needs of us. Cosmonomics and bioadministration go a long way in theorizing our human purpose for the cosmos from the navigational fix of the intersection of instinct, history, logic and revelation. Can we add another line of reasoning tied to the observation of nature’s experimentation with life on Earth and the apparent desire to keep humanity citadelized?
Why Bioadministration
When Karl Marx wrote the Communist Manifesto with Engels in 1848, did he have any idea of the criminal, psychotic behavior that would be attributed to his labor theory? One of the latent powers within a human is the ability to tap into the fourth, linear dimension of time, especially for the creator of a disruptive idea or action. Our heart can carry our mind into the future to evaluate the possible consequences of our creativity. If we care to look.
Memorized Sensation
Cosmonomics is a scientific understanding of the forces and substances of exchange within a cosmic economy. Instead of money and labor exchanged between humans as economics, we deal with the more fundamental living cosmic forces of memory and sensation. They each have their pure, essential state of free sensation and the memory of God and the economy of life is bound up in their combination and level of reconciliation. Memorized sensations.
Citadel America
Every distinct organism or organization, no matter the size, has the characteristics of a citadel with both functions of a command center and a designated exterior boundary. This is easy to see with a living cell’s nucleus and cell wall. But also our solar system with a radius of approximately 16 light hours also has the obvious command center we see and know as the sun. And the Voyager 2 space probe showed a cliff like drop in the sun’s plasma discharge, called the solar wind, at the outer edge of the sun’s citadel.
Our Organizing Principal
Everywhere we look today there is the breakdown of the organizing principals that lie at the heart of every citadel humans have created and depended upon for meaning and purpose. Family, tribe, nation, religion, ethnicity, race, gender. Each has risen up as an organizing principal only to be dashed against the rocks in the rapids of a journey not even close to being finished. Our organizing principal is our canoe we must continually make and abandon on humanity’s cosmic journey.
World War III?
Everything in Life on Earth seems to be lining up for another world war. The military-industrial complex, the evangelicals, the debt-soaked governments, the anti-Colonial global South, the NeoCons and the central banks all seem to be in alignment on the fulfillment of their own vision and agenda for humanity facilitated through the chaos of war.
The Divine Interrupt and Devil’s Face Slap
I have referred many times to the Devil archetype by the latin name of El Diablo, The Divider. This force, personal and impersonal, is intimately connected to citadelization. To become distinct, defended and capable of action is heavily assisted by evolutionary pressures associated with pain, hunger, fear, betrayal, to name but a few. Today, we will honor and embrace those moments when even the Devil gets tired of feeding on your weak, tasteless soul and slaps you across the face.
Homeostasis and Having Already Won
One of the greatest feelings to achieve in life is that of being one of the many victories of Eternity. Today I will attempt to describe the pathway to this state of being and the feeling that “I have already won my victory in life.” Although very personal, the whole idea upon which the BCC Institute is founded is that there is an objective measure that is the target of all life.
Navigating Zero Point*
I mentioned recently using the tool of celestial navigation’s triangulation of stars in the sky to get an accurate position on Earth. The same principle applies to tracking cell phones by signal strength from triangulated antenna towers. Today, we will walk through the case for cosmonomics from three separate directions. First with logic. Second with history. And third with experience.
Anti-Gravity Revolution
Today’s blogpost in citadelization will attempt to describe the little understood relationship between humanity and our host, Earth. Namely anti-gravity and specifically how anti-gravity can keep each human in a strong defensive position, otherwise know as a citadel.
Zero Point: The Soul of Humanity
I have invested a fair amount of time in recent postings making the case for the fact that our mind is a dictator, by design. And therefore, based upon bioadministration, our government will tend to model dictatorial behavior and will attract humans who gravitate to the exercise of extreme judgment to the point of self-deception to remain in control. This is a potentially terrible situation to place any living thing or group of humans within and its possibility is only allowed for high purpose, and, because there is a greater power than judgment or binary right versus wrong.
Weapon of Mass Reconciliation
Almost two decades ago, I authored a paper named Weapon of Mass Reconciliation. My reason for the name and the timing were the lack of finding the WMD justification for the Iraq Invasion and the initial “mission accomplished” claim was fast becoming premature. Looking back from here and in the middle of another charnel house in Ukraine, I feel called to revisit this application of cosmonomics to explain the conscious or unconscious use of this “weapon”.
Optimizing Specialization Versus Optimizing Simplicity
When we think about joining our individual life force with other humans for work, for play, for growth or for security, there is a decision matrix of specialization versus simplicity that effects the capability and resilience of our group. Our world was just forced through a major test case for complex globalization during the COVID pandemic. It would be good to explore this distasteful test case.
The Dictatorship of Mind III
Today, we will again place before our consciousness and the dictator that is our own mind this perennial conflict of political organization based upon win-lose dynamic to guide and to rule beings made up of trillions of individual life forms who can only exist together because of a win-win ethos. How can what is inevitable for mind and government, the drive for perfect knowledge and control, be reconciled with the cooperation that brought the human to sovereignty and power in the first place? Namely win-win.