Our Organizing Principal

Everywhere we look today there is the breakdown of the organizing principals that lie at the heart of every citadel humans have created and depended upon for meaning and purpose.  Family, tribe, nation, religion, ethnicity, race, gender.  Each has risen up as an organizing principal only to be dashed against the rocks in the rapids of a journey not even close to being finished.  Our organizing principal is our canoe we must continually make and abandon on humanity’s cosmic journey.

Recent sacrificial lambs are of the ideologies of capitalism and communism and, most lately, the dishonest abuses of science, medicine, environmentalism and government have organized and betrayed us.  Humanity is about to discover how important it is to have an organizing principal, even if extremely limited in truth or inherently corrupt.  When the mind and the heart of humanity are lost with no center of gravity, all that is left is the will to live on an over-populated, overly complex and under resourced planet. Think about the consequences of having action with no direction. And you will understand why we keep repeating failed organizing principals.

Our human predicament is dangerous beyond my desire to further describe. No matter how profitable to peddle fear porn and eschatology, I only deal in vision, in solution through reconciliation and I will never give up on the beauty of Life. So I will shift now to a core concept of my proposed solutions for humanity’s new organizing principal.  Bioadministration.  Using the organization and administration of a human mind, heart, body as the new organizing principal of humanity.

The will to live evolved for countless generations of trial and error within the conditions of the biosphere of Earth is what turned trillions of individual cells into a functioning, resilient human being with capabilities far beyond the single cell alone.  We were birthed and perfected by Life and Nature. Once the human blueprint was relatively complete, we naturally have attempted to organize into ever more capable and resilient external organizations.  Families recreating, tribes defending and producing, trading relationships growing economies are all supported evolutionary paths because they model the inner organization of the human blueprint.

But it is this next step of human evolution that has been so filled with problem and disaster.  Namely, how to peacefully co-exist on a finite planet as one species under self management.  There have been no shortage of humans with grand ideas on bringing the world together by love or by force.  The carrot and the stick are both necessary tools but what has always been missing is a legitimate and tested and proven organizing principal worthy of adoption without force or surrender.  I am proposing bioadministration as the zero point is at the core under all our history of failed attempts.

What failure shows us is where not to try again if truly sane.  What no new lands or planets to escape to means it is time to face the “king of the demons” or the “dweller of the threshold” to evolve.  Humanity needs a phase shift to a new ethos and a new level of being that only comes through trial and initiation.  Can you feel the stick of our history and the carrot of how many eons of time have been invested in getting humanity to this point?

Humanity is being compressed into and through a narrow gate of initiation.  That is the stick driving us.  What is the carrot? It must be harmony, peace, creativity and homeostasis.  These are all things a single human strives for consciously or unconsciously.  These are the things that must be set before the eyes of humanity to have any chance of not falling into chaos or authoritarian slavery.  The individual human is not held together by slavery or by fear of chaos.  The individual is held together by the opportunity to feel and vibrate and sing in harmony at a transcendent intensity of trillions that no single cell can achieve alone. Humanity will be held together by a force of reconciliation that has the power to effect planets and stars….and give us good reason to transcend our defensive egos and protective citadels.

What has been missing from the experiment of globalization is the carrot of a reconciled harmony beyond all human comprehension except that the hidden desire lives deeply imbedded within the firmware of all humans.  Cheap toys and cheap gasoline or expensive wines and expensive cars are the shiny objects of our attention and not enough to sustain a phase shift.  What is missing is a new organizing principal that is both rational to the mind and attracting to the heart.

Humanity was designed with a purpose we have been able to accomplish unconsciously.  Bioadministration is already cosmic law.  As above, so below is the rope we can pull ourselves out of the pits of an unconscious hell we have grown used to.  The organizing principal of humanity is the same transcendent organizing principal that drew a human out of the slime mold.

What humanity will become together is something elegant and powerful beyond our conception.  The slime mold had an organizing principal beyond any conception too and yet here we stand understanding we cannot yet see, only feel our final destination.  Bioadministration will do the same for humanity.


Citadel America


World War III?