World War III?

Everything in Life on Earth seems to be lining up for another world war. The military-industrial complex, the evangelicals, the debt-soaked governments, the anti-Colonial global South, the NeoCons and the central banks all seem to be in alignment on the fulfillment of their own vision and agenda for humanity facilitated through the chaos of war.

The attempted and failed reboot through the COVID operation has only accelerated the panic within the ruling elite.  Ever tried to predict the actions of a panicked psychopath? Its not that hard.  The psychopathic mind is simply a conduit for an unseen order with an agenda, namely, cosmic homeostasis. Control from outside humanity cannot be judged without looking deeply into the processes required to keep the greater body we humans inhabit alive. Even a world war.

Cosmonomics is my attempt to codify the place and purpose of humans in the cosmic economy and that purpose is the production of fine energetic catalysts capable of what look like magical transformations having yet to have a named science to get a degree in.  If we look inside, especially at our liver’s ability to synthesis catalyzing agents and perform complex biochemistry, medical science is looking at the core mission of Life to remain alive through the restoration of homeostasis.  World wars are human responses to cosmic level disturbances for the restoration of homeostasis.

All the hand wringing, saber rattling and pontification about the “state of our world” and the potential for world war is useful only to assemble the chemical precursors just the same as smelling a fine meal triggers our internal biochemistry to get ready for the three times a day war of self versus non-self we call digesting the next invited invasion of food.  What is the dividing line between self and non-self at the level of a solar system?  How intense of a response is necessary to restore a living organism the size of a solar system to a satisfied rest after an encounter with something alien?

The feeling of transcendence in the “petite death” of an orgasm and the final death from Life create extremely powerful energetic substances.  And the manifestation of a world war is a maximal human response to the cosmic demand for this reconciling force to be generated.  The real question for non-psychopaths is “Can we humans willingly, consciously donate the energy required without all the carnage and death?” We have been doing this for close to a century.

Modern western culture and its economy, spread throughout the world has been a responsive reconciling force.  Conservatives often decry the values of our modern world starting in the 1960’s but they do not see how rock concerts, acid trips, war protests, free love are more than adequate replacements for the harsh harvests of World Wars I and II.  Consumerism, social media, sporting events and environmental activism are exercising the fine motor skills of a humanity learning how to respond to cosmic disturbances like the fine motor skills required to stand, walk and run.

I do not claim to know if humanity can truly eliminate the ritual of war but I do claim we have alternatives.  A close study of cultural history reveals many methods of donation to the cosmic body’s harmony from human sacrifice at the worst to the regular ritual worship of Life with the cleansing power of the remission of sin.

This free expression of human reconciliation triggered by cosmic disturbance cannot be controlled by any bureaucratic body or priest class.  Those gatekeepers can be there to ensure the gates to the zero point remain open and clear of obstruction.  But those humans who love the taste of blood and the profits they can make from warfare must be reformed or expunged from leading humanity.

We humans must supply the necessary substances our greater body requires and demands we supply as our duty to Life. That is not in question.  What is in our control is how we come to the transcendent state of releasing our sins and divisions into the zero point.  War or ecstasy? Death or free expression? We have a choice.


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The Divine Interrupt and Devil’s Face Slap