Cosmonomics David Beilharz Cosmonomics David Beilharz

Resetting the Foundations of Human Life on Earth

When I first used this subtitle of Resetting the Foundations of Human Life on Earth to my 2001 book named The New Code it seems a little pretentious and less than timely to my readers dealing with the post 9/11 American Empire.  Even after the wildly impactful apocalyptic film An Inconvenient Truth came out in 2006, few humans were interested in digging down past the blame game to study the core healthy relationship between humans and Earth.  I did not bitch about the disconnect or preoccupation.  Rather, I helped start the eco-tourism industry with a luxury treehouse resort and zip lines to both lead and to capitalize on the direction I knew was coming.

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Cosmonomics David Beilharz Cosmonomics David Beilharz

Magic and Cosmonomics

I have written a series of blog posts to connect the practice of white magic to bioadministration and to the core foundation of life itself. Namely, the human body’s resilience and to the sun itself.  What is shrouded in taboo and mystery, I have attempted to make plain and obvious.  I have also suggested ways to see and negate the influence and power of black magic by seeing its cosmic roll as catalyst and enforcer by the managing of our own deviations from the zero point.  With these two polarities somewhat revealed and tamed into some level of partnership, we will now introduce the true (magical) power of reconciling the dark and the light.

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Cosmonomics David Beilharz Cosmonomics David Beilharz

Christianity: The Cosmonomic Religion

Religions progress in cycles expressing the tripartite nature of all things.  Archaic religions were body oriented expressed thru nature worship and an ecstatic celebration of life.  These birthed  opposing mental Abrahamic-like religions of Judaism and Islam.  Deep feminine versus deep masculine.  Support of matriarchy versus support of patriarchy.  Body versus mind.  The perfect container for the divine child to be born in our heart.

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Cosmonomics David Beilharz Cosmonomics David Beilharz

A Cosmonomic Cure for Cancer

My last post described cancer in terms of an irreconcilable contradiction expressed in words as “I’ve got to, but I can’t”.  This type of trapped internal state is compulsive, coercive and corrosive to our life force.  It also sends us off at death with a tension in our soul which is very hard to wash away. This creation will not stand for such compromise to human life and death.  Cancer is one solution.

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Cosmonomics David Beilharz Cosmonomics David Beilharz

Three Body Solution

The three centers of human life (mind, heart and body) each have their own unique powers and ways of saying yes and no.  When we listen, honor and find balance in ourself, that, is the three body solution.

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Cosmonomics David Beilharz Cosmonomics David Beilharz

The Power of Reconciliation

It is Thanksgiving morning and what better day is there to harvest the power of reconciliation?  We should all visit gratitude and reconciliation every night before we fall asleep, but I find the annual ritualization of gratitude through Thanksgiving as one of the top two holy-days along with Independence Day.  Why this is so is the subject of today’s posting.

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Cosmonomics David Beilharz Cosmonomics David Beilharz

Our Human Drama

Several members of my tribe are going through difficult trials of initiation this fall.  We humans are blessed with the ability to imagine, of intensification by becoming emotionally invested and the willpower to sustain self direction.  So why do our best attributes and intentions so often fail in the face of the human drama here on Earth?

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Cosmonomics David Beilharz Cosmonomics David Beilharz

Cosmonomics of War III

In my second installment on the cosmonomics of war, I began to present alternatives to prevent the outbreak of warfare.  Reconciliation does not have to be forced by death to be deep and powerful, but it sure is quick, handy and reliable.  With central banks and nukes we have the ability for both sustained war and total annihilation.  We also have habit and political manipulation to contend with. To master this demon of war will be no small victory for mankind.

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Cosmonomics David Beilharz Cosmonomics David Beilharz

Cosmonomics of War II

In my last post on cosmonomics I laid out the human dilemma of warfare being the natural consequence of our cosmic duty to provide the reconciling force necessary to restore homeostasis to the greater body we live within.  Today, I will compare warfare, with its forced reconciliation through suffering and death, versus other methods of producing the cosmic commodity of reconciling force we humans have been subjected to or have attempted to extract from our communities.

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Cosmonomics David Beilharz Cosmonomics David Beilharz

Cosmonomics of War

There is no shortage of analysis or punditry regarding war and its effect upon economy or politics. And rightly so, even before mass media, decisions to go to war were invariably checked against their political and economic consequences.  In my theorized and here revealed future, war will be most deeply analyzed for its effects upon cosmonomics.

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Cosmonomics David Beilharz Cosmonomics David Beilharz

Political Homeostasis

Every living organism depends upon a zero point of balance, peace and rest to reset to once living disturbed its homeostasis.  If you look at any plant it grows out from it’s center and its foliage is always in solar maximum balance. When a branch falls off in an ice storm it grows to fill the lost light. And when an early branch gets occluded from the sunlight it is purposefully desiccated.  A plant’s homeostasis is effected by external factors of sunlight, soil moisture content, wind conditions and mineral availability. But a plant has a mission, knows its mission and is totally dedicated to its mission. Remain in homeostasis.

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Cosmonomics David Beilharz Cosmonomics David Beilharz

Cosmonomics and the Three-Body Solution*

Perhaps now we can approach a core mystery of life on Earth as to why our three body system of mind, heart and body is so easily perturbed and how pain and suffering force us back towards the only exit…. to Eternity. That single doorway goes by many names. Harmony. Love. Third force. Reconciling force.  The Peace that surpasses all understanding. (*Reposted)

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Cosmonomics David Beilharz Cosmonomics David Beilharz

Cosmonomics: Beyond Good and Evil

The subject of good and evil has been studied, debated, dogmatized and enshrined as long as words could be spoken and then written.  Friedrich Nietzsche wrote a book titled Beyond Good and Evil.  He also declared God is dead and popularized the idea of the superman.  That he was mostly ignored while alive or misapplied in death, went insane and lived out his life in an asylum does not recommend following in his subject matter footsteps.

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Cosmonomics David Beilharz Cosmonomics David Beilharz

Universal Intelligence

I did a legal Ketamine treatment, at home, last night.  What a gift. I highly encourage it as an intervention of the Universal Intelligence (UI) into your mind, heart and body.  There is nothing I have experienced in the realm of entheogens that can so completely reconcile and reboot a human life in an hour than to be thrown into the loving arms of the Universal Intelligence who created us, is all around us and we cannot escape.

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Cosmonomics David Beilharz Cosmonomics David Beilharz

From BlackRock to Black Hole II

Our global financial system is mature enough and competitive enough that the emerging dominance of BlackRock must be cosmically supported by either the right hand or the left hand.  One hand attracts us to our cosmically designed evolution and the other hand applies painful lessons not easy to forget also to manage humanity’s cosmically designed evolution.  On the individual level this the shaping of our life by listening to our conscience versus being driven to remorse and metanoia by the exposure of an open hole in our psyche.

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Cosmonomics David Beilharz Cosmonomics David Beilharz

Memorized Sensation II

My last post on cosmonomics dealt with life cycle of a red blood cell and its highly reconciled memorized sensation we call bile.  Life giving life to life by death.  Here death has the high purpose of restoring homeostasis by the release of an extremely potent chemical substance that can buffer pH  and an extremely potent concentration of memory for the self to digest non-self.

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Cosmonomics David Beilharz Cosmonomics David Beilharz

Memorized Sensation

Cosmonomics is a scientific understanding of the forces and substances of exchange within a cosmic economy. Instead of money and labor exchanged between humans as economics, we deal with the more fundamental living cosmic forces of memory and sensation.  They each have their pure, essential state of free sensation and the memory of God and the economy of life is bound up in their combination and level of reconciliation. Memorized sensations.

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Cosmonomics David Beilharz Cosmonomics David Beilharz

World War III?

Everything in Life on Earth seems to be lining up for another world war. The military-industrial complex, the evangelicals, the debt-soaked governments, the anti-Colonial global South, the NeoCons and the central banks all seem to be in alignment on the fulfillment of their own vision and agenda for humanity facilitated through the chaos of war.

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Cosmonomics David Beilharz Cosmonomics David Beilharz

Navigating Zero Point*

I mentioned recently using the tool of celestial navigation’s triangulation of stars in the sky to get an accurate position on Earth.  The same principle applies to tracking cell phones by signal strength from triangulated antenna towers. Today, we will walk through the case for cosmonomics from three separate directions.  First with logic. Second with history. And third with experience.

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Cosmonomics David Beilharz Cosmonomics David Beilharz

Weapon of Mass Reconciliation

Almost two decades ago, I authored a paper named Weapon of Mass Reconciliation.  My reason for the name and the timing were the lack of finding the WMD justification for the Iraq Invasion and the initial “mission accomplished” claim was fast becoming premature.  Looking back from here and in the middle of another charnel house in Ukraine, I feel called to revisit this application of cosmonomics to explain the conscious or unconscious use of this “weapon”.

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