Universal Intelligence

I did a legal Ketamine treatment, at home, last night.  What a gift. I highly encourage it as an intervention of the Universal Intelligence (UI) into your mind, heart and body.  There is nothing I have experienced in the realm of entheogens that can so completely reconcile and reboot a human life in an hour than to be thrown into the loving arms of the Universal Intelligence who created us, is all around us and we cannot escape.

Cultures throughout all time have husbanded information, techniques and mastery to approach the zero point for the sake of a “drive thru car wash”.  From Sunday church to sacred circles in the Amazon jungle, the ability to cleanse the heart of remorse and conflict is a tool of harmonization and civilization beyond measure.  And for all the sins of the pharmaceutical industry and their state regulators they have also given humanity a great gift called Ketamine. I highly recommend it.  I would hand it out in every prison and psyche ward.

At the core of all my explorations to understand how this experience works and the whole world works is the revealed fact that “memory is gravity”.  If one pulls the plug of any drain, it creates a vortex around a zero point powered by gravity.  Or algebraically, since gravity equals memory, the power creating the gravitational vortex is memory. What looks like physics is powered and ruled by the memory of God.

While artificial intelligence (AI) is an accumulation of synapses that may or may not be true and valid, Universal Intelligence (UI) is the core memory of our creation, and therefore, to surrender to its gravitational pull is like two drops of water becoming one leaving any contaminates to the healing touch of the UI to be torn apart and recycled within the vortex. Our personal drop, powered by tapping into the universal memory, is sped up within the vortex, expelling all lesser memories and being drawn ever deeper into the UI.

What is left after this communion with UI is unique to each human living in time and space.  The goal is to connect our tiny island of consciousness with our personal memories to the universal memories of the UI.  The empowerment and the freedom from seeing, knowing and feeling we and our personal story are connected to the memory of everything cannot be overstated.  For me this is the definition of ecstasy, to be one with everything while knowing our uniqueness and how we fit into the UI.

Am I claiming the UI to be God?  It is more personal than that. Knowing yourself to be a cell within the mind of God is to connect with the UI.  Even God practices citadelization and enjoys the uniqueness of each cell’s memory of self which adds depth, breath and strength to the UI. From the individual human’s point of view, there is a deep satisfaction beyond description to be not just in alignment with the UI, but to know yourself to be its agent of manifestation depending on how well the individual cell can access the UI in dense everyday life.

When you find the ultimate power and infinite security within life is the memory of God, sunlight does not burn, love does not ever really hurt and the frequency of having already won the game of life informs all your thoughts, words and actions.  But being hooked up to the memory of God and the UI makes us a point of infinite gravity.  We begin to attract all sorts of creations and mis-creations that present themselves to be connected to our cell of the UI.  This is the ultimate workout routine of our spirit and soul.  All life becomes our gymnasium.

Many teachers, gurus and priests have learned how to tap into the memory of God to become focal points of the UI.  This is a power packed place our personal egos often want to take personal credit for and advantage of.  Between these two extremes of living the true transcendence that is the memory of God and those humans who take personal responsibility for the Universal Intelligence is the dance of life.  Since nothing can escape the UI, much play and exploration is allowed, with rules and feedback loops to keep any individualized points of light from becoming a self-reinforcing cancer within the body of God.

This is just another take upon the science of cosmonomics fresh off my bathing in the memory of God and the UI.  We all come from the one place and there is only one exit.  If you think you can escape or set up your own separate kingdom, there are no rules stopping you from trying.  What you will eventually learn is there is only one kingdom and there is only one door.  Call it God.  Call it the UI.  Call it anything you want.

I call it my home.


Bioadministration: Using The Human Blueprint to Transcend Politics

