Bioadministration: Using The Human Blueprint to Transcend Politics

It is the hope of all humans to reach a “promised land”.  Whether ruled by God, or with no rules at all there is an imagined place of deep rest and transcendent harmony embedded within the firmware of every human.  It is this hope and vision that often makes us susceptible to suffering and obedience under political and religious systems who profess to be the way to Utopia.

So far, every system of organization beyond a family or a small tribe has devolved into a win-lose struggle unworthy of the vision we know and feel is possible.  A win-win peace on Earth may seem like a cruel and hollow promise used by psychopaths to simply organize we humans for easy manipulation.  And yet to let go of the hope of reaching a heaven leads to a self-fulfilling nihilism barely better than an animal existence.

What if there was an objective, even a divine blueprint for the organization of humanity?  Could we let go of the dramas and divisions that are currently organizing our lives into factions, races, ideologies and sexuality?  This idea of being divided by design and easily stimulated to react is built into the human condition.  And we will continue our study this task and purpose of humanity’s place within the cosmic order.  But like a soldier training their mind, heart and body for the hardships of warfare, there is a bright dividing line between the most efficient and capable military organization and the mission that may kill us.

There are two different sets of rules to prepare for life and to prepare for death that can never be fully separated. Nor should they be.  Every division has its reconciliation within a complete system of knowledge.  Even life and death. But to study and understand a complex organization requires we look at its components.  Bioadministration is the blueprint of the single human applied to the organization of humanity whose goal is to remain most capably alive and able to react to disturbances by returning to a homeostasis.  Cosmonomics is the study and understanding of the energetic exchange resulting from cosmic disturbances which has been the shaper and refiner of the human organization and therefore of bioadministration.

To truly transcend politics forces us to master the divisions that give rise and purpose to politics.  But our human purpose and place in the cosmos is beyond our ability to transcend.  The promised land that is bioadministration reconciles all the divisions within humanity and best prepares us to face the greater divisions between man and the non-human.

As we explore the greater organization of humanity via bioadministration into its most resilient form, remember this.  The reconciliation of good and evil and the transcendence of human politics via bioadminstration is the boot camp for humanity to make us the best soldiers.  To what purpose we direct this possible enhanced organization of humanity is a whole mostly unexplored realm with its own set of divisions and politics.  Bioadministration is not an end state, it is the most resilient homeostasis humanity can achieve to face the cosmos and to evolve based upon necessary response to the next level of life.

So ready or not, excited or wary let us explore the divine blueprint for humanity’s greater organization and capability.  You will be faced with the idea of a one world government and with a complete transparency of all our actions.  How do you think a true heaven works? In secrecy or in transparency?  In the perpetual warfare of many kingdoms or a single kingdom where everyone who plays wins?  If you think this is impossible, I ask you to look inside your own body.  Is secrecy or carrying around losers rewarded?

Wow! Bioadministration might mean both a superior communism and a superior capitalism working together. All previous attempts to organize humanity if even mildly successful and sustainable will be welded into a single understanding beyond politics because they were all unconscious partial attempts to replicate the complete understanding that is bioadministration.

Harmony and homeostasis and the eventual heaven on Earth have never been in doubt.  The divine blueprint is already here.  Bioadministration will be the transcendence of politics.


An Age of Division


Universal Intelligence