Organizing Principals
It’s Christmas morning and for nearly seven decades I remember celebrating this long tradition with my family. I have played the part of Joseph in a Lutheran parochial school play on Christmas Eve and I have been separated from my blood family on some Christmas mornings post-divorce. Today, I am in Hawaii with my family who is far removed from religion while fully dedicated to the sacredness of being together in love-filled celebration.
White Magic III
I ended my last post on white magic with the invocation to be like the sun. Then we leave behind any unhealthy codependence with our fellow humans. We do not modify ourself to be acceptable. We radiate our truth, not in a maximal way nor explosively, but in a steady stream of being. Then it is up to our fellow humans to approach or withdraw based upon their own sense and inner guidance. Every organ in our body is many sun-like cells standing alone but together. Every great culture has many sun-like humans standing alone but together too.
White Magic II
My last blog on white magic laid out the premise that there is no difference from following its path and that of bioadministration. They both strive for maximum free attention, maximum reserve energy and resilient homeostasis. Effectively, living in the state of not looking for trouble but ready for anything. Therefore, the pathway of white magic and even to becoming a true doctor of civilization capable of wielding bioadministration, cosmonomics and citadelization starts with oneself as an embodiment of the divine blueprint that is the human organism.
Technocracy’s Redemption
I am not an enemy of technocracy any more than I am a harsh internal critic if my own mind as it is trying to solve a complex problem for the first time. Exploration of the unknown is vitally important to this human endeavor on Earth and the cooption of dogmatism or emotion to attack or defend the cutting edge of our human advancement is not helpful. Inside or out. What is valuable is objective feedback based on sensitive inputs from all the cells of our humanity and the design of a quick, flexible response for the restoration of homeostasis.
White Magic
There was a time when scientists and magicians existed within the same person or organization. Isaac Newton, if forced to choose, would probably have said he was more alchemist than physicist. Some of the Middle Ages’ public exposure and temporary flourishing of magical thought was certainly a result of the Reformation and the discrediting of the Catholic Church from its periodic insanity after The Inquisition. But the Enlightenment and our University system has failed us by not allowing and encouraging the penetration of the unknown by non-traditional and magical means. I assume Harvard, LSD and the Sixties was a bridge too far and still a bridge burned to the ground.
Divided Consciousness
If you have been reading my blog for any length of time, you know how I treat this fundamental idea of division and all its assigned power. With respect. From division’s father and namesake, the Devil, or the Latin el Diablo (the Divider) to the fundamental physics of electricity and energy storage, I respect the necessity of lawful separation and created boundary layers like I trust and depend upon insulation on copper wires. What some call evil is a necessary part of this operating system.
Bioadministration and the Redemption of Liberalism
The liberal world order and its project in the West is in panic. The outbreak of the war between Israel and the Palestinians with its brutality on both sides and the mass protests along with whispered conspiracies all over the Western world effectively calling for the extinction of one side or the other has brought the traditional liberal to their knees in despair and even, perhaps soon, in prayer. The West has been living in a historic bubble of idealism and has just been slapped in the face by realism. What to do?
Mind Versus Body
The current disconnect between our collective mind, as represented by our federal government, and our body, as represented by masses of individual citizens, over the United States actions on the Israeli/Palestinian issue is very high. And that’s a good thing. it is good that our unwavering, and obviously irrational support for the actions of the Israeli government are being roundly and loudly condemned by huge masses of Americans in assembled protest. Let’s explore how bioadministration supports this natural process of recovering homeostasis after this major disturbance.
Bioadministration: Blueprint for War
I am sad again this morning for this latest round of conflict between the Jews and the Arabs. Not because I have harbored any false hope of a Christian reconciliation between these warring patriarchies, but because of what it means for the United States and for humanity. This attack upon Israel and Israel’s response will likely grow into the second front of the Ukraine/Russia conflict and the full beginning of World War III. And the United States and its attempted global hegemony face an existential crisis.
The Fork in the Road
If we project out upon the timeline of the current trajectory of organized human endeavors there are many pitfalls in the middle path. Its fairly easy to foresee a 1984 style police state aided by robots and drones as being “successful” in the reestablishment of slavery for most of humanity and, on the other hand, it is fairly easy to envision a complete breakdown of any economic and political order where the only rule of law is arbitrated by theft and violence. But a way forward under a fairly organized and harmonious collective with a proper balance between the rule of law and of personal freedom has yet to be articulated for this next age of man.
Bioadministration: The Leveling
Edgar Cayce, the Sleeping Profit, saw many things past, present and future. When he was asked to look into the 21st century he said there would be a great “leveling” of people and their class structure. Being an American, post Great Depression, and not some Brahman or Untouchable of India, he was already living in the most level advanced society on the planet. And yet he saw more leveling to come. And now, here we are.
Bioadministration and the Three-Body Problem*
Most people have never heard of the three-body problem. In essence, the three-body problem means the movements and interactions of any three gravitational bodies cannot be known or predicted by any mathematics yet discovered. To truly face and understand the utter instability of three, much less seven or fourteen independent variables is a mental shock. How is there any order at all?
Bioadministration: Using The Human Blueprint to Transcend Politics
It is the hope of all humans to reach a “promised land”. Whether ruled by God, or with no rules at all there is an imagined place of deep rest and transcendent harmony embedded within the firmware of every human. It is this hope and vision that often makes us susceptible to suffering and obedience under political and religious systems who profess to be the way to Utopia.
From BlackRock to Black Hole III
On the human journey from our current political divide of labor and capital, communism versus free enterprise evolves to my proposed end state, bioadministration, the allocation of energy is a keystone and a foundation stone. The alpha and omega of life is the ability to gather energy to sustain itself and to deal with all the challenges facing this unavoidable task. From ethics to economics to geopolitics, everything can be reduced to the gathering and allocation of life force. Therefore, the importance of getting this relationship right and fair cannot be overstated.
Governmental Mind
Leadership within an organization of humans has traveled a long and tortured road of being ruled by the strongest, the bravest, the richest as well as the most ruthless, the most cunning and just being the eldest son of the last leader. Being the smartest and wisest and fairest is somewhere way down the list. Let us explore how our internal organization handles the day to day administration of its being to see what it reveals.
Why Bioadministration
When Karl Marx wrote the Communist Manifesto with Engels in 1848, did he have any idea of the criminal, psychotic behavior that would be attributed to his labor theory? One of the latent powers within a human is the ability to tap into the fourth, linear dimension of time, especially for the creator of a disruptive idea or action. Our heart can carry our mind into the future to evaluate the possible consequences of our creativity. If we care to look.
Our Organizing Principal
Everywhere we look today there is the breakdown of the organizing principals that lie at the heart of every citadel humans have created and depended upon for meaning and purpose. Family, tribe, nation, religion, ethnicity, race, gender. Each has risen up as an organizing principal only to be dashed against the rocks in the rapids of a journey not even close to being finished. Our organizing principal is our canoe we must continually make and abandon on humanity’s cosmic journey.
Homeostasis and Having Already Won
One of the greatest feelings to achieve in life is that of being one of the many victories of Eternity. Today I will attempt to describe the pathway to this state of being and the feeling that “I have already won my victory in life.” Although very personal, the whole idea upon which the BCC Institute is founded is that there is an objective measure that is the target of all life.
Zero Point: The Soul of Humanity
I have invested a fair amount of time in recent postings making the case for the fact that our mind is a dictator, by design. And therefore, based upon bioadministration, our government will tend to model dictatorial behavior and will attract humans who gravitate to the exercise of extreme judgment to the point of self-deception to remain in control. This is a potentially terrible situation to place any living thing or group of humans within and its possibility is only allowed for high purpose, and, because there is a greater power than judgment or binary right versus wrong.
The Dictatorship of Mind III
Today, we will again place before our consciousness and the dictator that is our own mind this perennial conflict of political organization based upon win-lose dynamic to guide and to rule beings made up of trillions of individual life forms who can only exist together because of a win-win ethos. How can what is inevitable for mind and government, the drive for perfect knowledge and control, be reconciled with the cooperation that brought the human to sovereignty and power in the first place? Namely win-win.