Technocracy’s Redemption

I am not an enemy of technocracy any more than I am a harsh internal critic if my own mind as it is trying to solve a complex problem for the first time.  Exploration of the unknown is vitally important to this human endeavor on Earth and the cooption of dogmatism or emotion to attack or defend the cutting edge of our human advancement is not helpful.  Inside or out.  What is valuable is objective feedback based on sensitive inputs from all the cells of our humanity and the design of a quick, flexible response for the restoration of homeostasis.

Technocracy, as the child of the scientific enlightenment, has had its full opportunity to demonstrate its ability to lead humanity and it is more a corrupted religion than objective science.  The latest fiasco of technocracy's response to COVID is so polluted with religious corruption that the pre-Reformation Catholic Church fathers finally have been eclipsed in organizational evil dressed up as salvation. A forceful response by the body of humanity on the level of the Reformation and its countless wars is already locked and loaded. What to do?

The Catholic Church still exists four hundred years after its comeuppance, but only as a shell of its original mission and intent.  Technocracy does not have near the standing wave of history or the canon of Christ’s Church and will not survive in its current form for even decades.  But perhaps with the birth of AGI and robotics we have yet to be subjected to technocracy’s Inquisition.  Was COVID a warmup? The next decade or two of a machine-based police state may be the invention of technocracy’s supernova of anti-life.

When we look back over the arc of time and humanity’s past attempts to organize mentally, it is a war zone from the beginning of recorded history to today.  Monarchy, oligarchy, anarchy are hills and valleys of “progress” founded, ruled and killed by violence which always revert to the flat plains of tribalism.  Technocracy has yet to fully apply and defend itself with its full violent capacity, but history shows it will. And this will bring us back to humanity’s dilemma…we are destined to keep attempting to organize into one mind but without the blueprint to build it nor the immune system to defend it.  Trial and error has not provided a solution.

I contend we are closer to solving this ultimate human contradiction than ever before and perhaps technocracy can be redeemed from its own self-execution.  The Enlightenment and the scientific method have for the first time in known history revealed the inner workings of our own blueprint and functions of our mind, heart and body. The three body problem that has always pushed the reset button on every past human organization can finally be solved by the implementation of the three body solution that a single human life is.  Technocracy has been a stepping stone, giving the mind the energy, attention and time to work out the missing link of legitimate and lasting centralized authority. The human blueprint. Bioadministration.

We, the people, will no longer designate a priest class nor a self-serving accumulation of the wealthy to set the arbitrary rules of governance.  We also cannot let the scientists and metaphysicians who have discovered the three body solution to freely arbitrate the rule set to their defense nor advantage.  Technocracy’s redemption from itself lies in the full body of humanity recognizing we already live inside a divine blueprint with 200 different types of cells, all necessary to a win-win cooperation that is the single human.  Bioadministration is technocracy’s own redemption of itself.

The centers of heart and body weakened during this period of intense scientific exploration must be quickly recharged within their own center of power…the heart’s connection to Eternity and the zero point as described in cosmonomics and the body’s structure of layered defense of self by self-knowledge and free choice as described in citadelization.  The technocratic mind is only safe to lead when it sees itself as servant to a higher organization with its own unique role as explorer and cataloger of the unknown prone to mistake and in need of redemption by the very nature of its mission.

The mystery of three as one has always been our ultimate human challenge and opportunity.  Nothing can be left behind and no one can get too far ahead.  Humanity is not a technocratic project or plaything.  Each center requires redemption from the other two.  The mind is put to sleep every night.

I literally pray for technocracy’s mental redemption by heart and body as I do for my own mind. I pray for technocracy’s realization of its need for redemption and surrender to a good night’s sleep to see what is still rational in the morning light.  I know bioadministration will be there during and after the dark night.




Three Body Solution