Three Body Solution

From the Wikipedia entry on Three-Body Problem:

“There is no general closed-form solution to the three-body problem,[1] meaning there is no general solution that can be expressed in terms of a finite number of standard mathematical operations. Moreover, the motion of three bodies is generally non-repeating, except in special cases.[6]”

The so-called “special cases” require one or more of the bodies to have no angular momentum (be dead) or for the three bodies to be in a specially built “squirrel cage” of a figure 8.

I often refer to the three body problem because the so-called problem and its true solution is the boundary between life and death.  Going from two factors or two celestial bodies to three introduces the possibility of randomness and therefore change.  This is a constant source of challenge and perplexity for scientists who believe something so simple as moving from two factors to three should be within their mathematical abilities to predict.  Life is not reducible to mathematics.

Practically and observationally when three celestial bodies come into gravitational range of each other there is an unpredictable chaos of future position which can only be resolved back to order by kicking one body out into the void, therefore, allowing the other two to settle into their co-dependent endless loop for eternity.  Life and unpredictable change are rejected for predictability and eternal rest.  What human does not daily face this choice in large and small ways?

What the physicist calls a problem, the metaphysician calls life and solution to life’s inherent mystery.  We humans often seek the expulsion of the third factor to make life predictable and to avoid uncertainty.  We will neglect our body. We will hide our emotions. We will inebriate our mind.  All to hopefully find a safe resting place to hide from the complete experience of each moment.  This is the only socially acceptable and tension-relieving way “mature adults” solve the three body problem.  Eject a third part of ourself.

Cosmonomics is the economic energy exchange of living systems and the three body solution.  When faced with any decision point or conflict we divide the two paths into one better and one worse. One good and one evil.  Subjectively, of course, because one person’s good choice may be another human’s evil choice.  When there are only two choices, it makes little difference what choice we make to the cosmic economy because you are still trapped within a stable two body orbit. Essentially dead until such time as a third force arises.

The state of being divided into the irreconcilable contradiction of two independent celestial bodies or two independent psychological positions is the trapped energy in our chronic muscular tensions, our automatic ego boundaries and our mental dogmatism or indecision.  In short, being a “grown-up” instead of a child.  In cosmonomic terms, a grown-up is a fully charged battery waiting to be harvested at death while the child lives in a state open to wonder and wields the power of reconciliation, the third force, to transmute contradictions and remain as alive as possible.  Even if the dead, the adults around us, can no longer enjoy their children’s intensity of life.

The three body solution is life’s ability to change.  Mastery in life is the ability to wisely use the third and reconciling force to disturb our trapped endless loops of division and harvest at least our portion of the fruits of reconciliation.  Sometimes it is the body that withdraws attention forcing the mind or the heart to quiet sleep.  Sometimes our mind remembers how courses of past action were physically or emotionally painful.  Sometimes our heart takes our mouth and our mind to the woodshed or the church pew.

The cosmos has its demands and often triggers humanity to respond with reconciliation and forcing the two factor contradictions of bonded life force into three factor transcendence.  How well we respond is often the difference between life and death.

The three centers of human life (mind, heart and body) each have their own unique powers and ways of saying yes and no.  When we listen, honor and find balance in ourself, that, is the three body solution.


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