
Every positive attribute of the human three body system has a negative counterpart.  Thoughts can kill.  Emotions can suffocate.  Cells can adopt their own alien agenda.  This fact is exactly why life has designed a three body system of independent powers with built in routine maintenance and emergency powers.  Life force can be withdrawn from thoughts and emotions every night and every cell has it own embedded program of apoptosis, or suicide.

Despite life’s core design, thoughts become unresolved endless loops, emotions become demons who haunt us and cells become unattached to their designed purpose.  Cancer.  Humans have invented psychology, self help and SSRI’s to push away, mask or resolve these pockets of trapped life force.  Cancer treatment is a huge industry too.

No doubt the fifty thousand plus man made chemicals we breath, consume, wash or smear ourself with has damaged and confused our cells.  No doubt the assault of new frequencies of the electromagnetic spectrum we are receiving has damaged and confused our cells.  Is it any wonder the core program of the cell’s purpose suffers damage including the command to self-destruct?  But this out of control replication of cancerous cells and formation of cellular citadels we call tumors is somehow reflecting something important to understand in our civilization also.

The will to live free of tribal programming and constraints has been systematically supported beginning in the age of colonialism and now globalization.  This period of intense levels of reconciling new and alien energies has taken on a life of its own, breaking down most social, sexual and economic norms.  Ideas and actions that would have been dealt with quickly in a tribe now have organization and funding even if they are completely unconnected with supporting the collective life of the tribe.  Pepsi and Coke are huge self-reinforcing cancerous corporate tumors whose death would only serve the whole.

How is human cancer within any different?  Blood (sugar) flows freely to every cell whether they work or not.  Every cells has its own ability to procreate at will based upon available resources (excess sugars).  The dependence of every new cell assisting the core program and the core mission is assumed.  Communism tried this strategy and failed spectacularly.  Revolution is the honeymoon. But after a period of unified mission built upon ruthless culling of past traditions and genocidal cleansing to a unified state of ideological purity the systemic rot sets in. Even with the best police state or overactive immune system revolution and cancer still breeds within.

A human and humanity are designed at every level of organization to live in a egalitarian, well supplied unified state with legitimate enforcement mechanisms.  But deviation and coercion are allowed to creep in, generally in times of peace and plenty.  Too much sugar, too many social programs.  Those are the easy leaks to fix.  The harder leaks to repair are when the circumstances embedded in our life and our organizations are driven by contradiction guarded by coercion.

Cancer, as stated from an internal dynamics,  is an endless loop of “I have to, but I can’t”.  The tension between two apparently opposing facts that never resolve themselves is the energetic food by which cancer spawns and grows.  Mis-creation by division.  All the conversations we do not feel we can have with our lover, with our boss, with our government or with our self all feed the endless loop of “I have to, but I can’t”.  At its core a cancer cell and a self reinforcing budget item knows it must die but can’t do it. So it hides and even designs its own defensive structure.

How many places in our life are trapped tumors of our life force stuck in an endless loop of unreconciled divisions of our will to live? How many line items in our national budget? These are little citadels waiting for an internal Genghis Khan to come and purify the lands and restore unified rule and purpose.  Much must die in a healing crisis, first of all the fear of being trapped forever in our current state must die.  Only a renewal of a fearless legitimate authority can face down our contradictions and cure cancer.

Surgery, chemo and radiation are tactics of warfare.  The warlord is your true self, fully expressed and ruthlessly committed to power for a true unifying purpose.


A Cosmonomic Cure for Cancer


Technocracy’s Redemption