A Cosmonomic Cure for Cancer

My last post described cancer in terms of an irreconcilable contradiction expressed in words as “I’ve got to, but I can’t”.  This type of trapped internal state is compulsive, coercive and corrosive to our life force.  It also sends us off at death with a tension in our soul which is very hard to wash away. This creation will not stand for such compromise to human life and death.  Cancer is one solution.

Remember the cosmonomic view of human service and life on Earth is designed to be a win-win partnership between the needs of the greater body we inhabit and the growth of our Eternal soul. Our personality? Not so much. Ego is our rocket fuel.  As much as we polish up our lives with relationships, money, fame and imagination, those do not last.  The structure of our personality and ego is burned up in the death journey the way a wooden log is thrown on the fire.  What serves is the energy released and what survives is the reconciliation of a “good medicine death” into the zero point.  The force a human life can exert in death by the full return to the zero point is how this greater life we live within returns to homeostasis and remains alive.  The ecstatic exaltation our soul receives from this service is no small matter either.

From this point of view, with our experience on Earth as teacher to our Eternal soul, the disease of cancer is designed as a slow. relentless building of pressure to resolve our most persistent contradictions imbedded in our most traumatic memories who will resist return into the zero point and potentially become “hungry ghosts” at death.  Without the time and forcing function of the merciful and merciless attributes of cancer our soul might remain fractured at death wandering around outside the zero point until it is redeemed by an external intervention.  Lifetimes of growth and refinement could be lost.

What is a tumorous mass of previously or potentially functional human cells but an internal “hungry ghost” feeding off the blood of our life’s potential?  We can curse it, we can run from it or we can lay down and let it consume us in the light of day or in the dark of our dreams.  Or, as taught to every budding shaman, we can stop running, turn to face it and ask the hungry ghost what it wants.  Cancer too.  At the core of every tumor is a unique, personal contradiction of “I’ve got to but I can’t” we can penetrate and discover our inner demon’s name to gain power over it.

Cancer is first and foremost a soul battle fought in life so as to not carry deep wounds into death.  Cancer is not a death sentence, it is meant to be a near-death experience to resolve contradictions that both life and our soul conspire to force resolution and return us to life free of the trapped life force too dangerous to carry into death. The relief though forced reconciliation via cancer is the best gamble the universe has designed for humans.  The hope is for healing and a renewed will to live free of the cancerous contradiction.  The backup plan is for a long, slow revealing of our soul conflict while still alive and potentially in the presence of those we might haunt upon death.

All disease is to be met with our will to live.  That is the purpose of disease. To force us to choose life over death.  All disease tests our willpower and our soul but cancer is a particular type of disease so connected to despair and death that it acts more like bleach than just soap.  But to focus on the disease is an error.  The universal solvent is reconciliation.  Every division has a resolution through the healing of division by reconciling the two opposing halves or the two opposing charges back into wholeness.

Death and entropy must have counterforces.  They are life and creation.  In between these titanic, universal forces lies catalyzing events in our life like cancer which force a choosing.  Cancer and disease may not seem like the handmaiden to free will but they are.  Being human is to live exposed to all the universal forces, to be wounded, to heal but still grow old and to freely choose the ultimate reconciliation of life and death that is the return to zero point.


White Magic II

