White Magic II

My last blog on white magic laid out the premise that there is no difference from following its path and that of bioadministration. They both strive for maximum free attention, maximum reserve energy and resilient homeostasis. Effectively, living in the state of not looking for trouble but ready for anything. Therefore, the pathway of white magic and even to becoming a true doctor of civilization capable of wielding bioadministration, cosmonomics and citadelization starts with oneself as an embodiment of the divine blueprint that is the human organism.

Our current politicians, administrators and other “wise men” all operate from a divided consciousness with world views tainted by the past sins of humanity.  They are (mostly unconsciously) serving as black magicians to stir the pot of humanity and serving up circumstances leading to uncontrolled recapitulation (suffering and death) like a open buffet for every passing cosmic disturbance.  Yes, we can all learn much from observing the cruel taking of human life before its time.  Black magicians are great teachers.  Disease is both the adversary and the pop quiz for the student of life and civilization. The budding white magician learns and grows by repeated trials.

Gandalf from the Lord of the Rings was the grey wizard known as unpredictable and even dangerous to the average human whose lives are built upon early and enshrined deviations from the zero point.  So no fully trained doctor of civilization nor wizard goes looking for dragons to slay or sacred cows to slaughter. But when Gandalf is faced with true evil penetrating deeply into the body of humanity he must transform from grey to white to help force a return to homeostasis.  Neutrality is a powerful place to stand.  To leave the center means we must encounter and commit to the redemption of our opposite to return to home base.

Now we leave the theoretical, the historical and the mythical to face the practical.  America is riddled with cancerous irreconcilable endless loops of overwhelming commitments and under performing guidance, both internal and external.  Evil is afoot. Not to kill us. Not to win.  But to slap us awake and force a restoration of homeostasis by making every other place unbearable to live with.  We are all being called like Gandalf.  And we must don the white, become a heroic redeemer or perish.  Starting with our own life and our own lives.

There are many trials on the road to self redemption to earn any personal white magic to share.  The supreme test is facing our fears.  Fear is the devil’s pitchfork which, if we let it, drives us from our center, from our true self. And the only place to conquer fear is within the heart.

Few people are taught every human heart has a toroidal electrical field emanating from our heart to a distance of up to eight feet surrounding our body.  It acts exactly like Earth’s magnetic field that energetically extends our senses and protects our core, if, our life force is strong.  Then we all have an ego wall closer to and surrounding our heart built with a more concretized memorized sensation of past interactions with life which acts like the biosphere of Earth’s surface to absorb the shocks of penetrating cosmic rays.

A well formed heart resonance field and ego wall are essential to white magic.  Fear creates open wounds in these defenses.  The commonly held idea of New Age religion and even of Christianity of walking through life with an “open heart” is the fruit of full mastery over fear which no human can achieve without conscious control over the layered defenses around the heart, body and mind.  Yes, the zero point always has our back but any priest or guru who preaches or teaches open heartedness without the defensive tools of white magic is a vampire’s assistant.

The ultimate expression of white magic is the sun.  We get as close as we can stand.  The light that is warming is also capable of burning.  True open heartedness with fearlessness will, like the sun, not even see or recognize evil because it runs away or is burned up long before it can even present a tempting thought in the mind of a white magician.

Be like the sun, but with a conscious intensity control dial.  Let others feel you.  Even taste you.  But let no one feed upon you.  Burn bright against the dark night you white wizards that life and America returns to a state of peaceful harmony.


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