Compromise Versus Co-Empowerment

One of the great dividing lines between organisms and organizations who are thriving and those who are dying centers is the quality of interaction between cells and between humans.  Averaging down to ensure equality versus the multiplying of inspiring action is rampant in America from “everyone gets a trophy” to the latest craze of corporate Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.  There has been enough time to see where these experiments in sociology lead and today we will discuss how to restore a thriving interaction of necessary diversity.

As always, we will look inside our own healthy human organism to inform our correctness and our error within our larger human organizations.  None of our over 200 types of human cells weaken their function by compromise between different types of cells.  A brain cell and a pancreas cell have nothing to teach each other about function and one only effects the other negatively when either one does not perform their mission.  There is no jealousy or envy, no anger or resentment and no superiority or subservience supported by time and Nature.

On the contrary, there is every incentive to remain healthy, alive and in homeostasis by each cell focusing solely on their own mission while free of worry or judgment over the mission and performance of fellow cells.  External cues of spotting a tasty food, a desirable mate or a dangerous threat triggers an immediate response in every cell best designed to keep the organism alive through co-empowered action.  Adrenaline is dumped into the blood stream, the heart increases our blood pressure and our liver releases glycogen for extra energy.  There is no need nor room for competition nor feeling slighted that life rewards.

Within the same tribe, organ and mission there can be healthy observation and inspiration between cells.  A hunter-gatherer tribe is a very simple organization.  Males hunt and females stay behind and hold the wealth in a container.  Cancerous members of the tribe who do not function are expelled while the best hunter and the cheerful mother are honored and cherished.  Inspiration works within a closed container of necessity and competence.  Compromise simply weakens the design nature and evolution discovered through countless generations of trial and error and rigorously enforces.

The principal of citadelization sets boundaries preventing the loss of self in the sea of complexity that is bioadministration.  Our modern world has gained so much from globalization and world travel simply because of the uniqueness of different cultures and the special advantages of certain geography organizing through a naturally discovered co-empowerment.  Two sovereign peoples can easily discover win-win advantages to cooperation.

But when the negative petty nature of human envy and all the other “deadly sins” is attempted to be solved by compromise there is only degradation.  The journey South Africa has traveled these past thirty years has been a losing proposition for both blacks and whites.  The current widespread attack in the West on being male, white, straight and Christian might feel like the victory of South African blacks freeing themselves from apartheid.  But I wonder in another decade of this systemic destruction of the values that built the modern world will end in the same pyrrhic victory.

If we are going to discover how a whole planet full of humans can live and thrive in co-empowerment we must look for the only functional example.  Our own body, heart, mind system.  Globalization was an early attempt the West birthed then abused.  For a world patriarchy to arise that is truly win-win it must be balanced with a world matriarchy and free peoples living in the citadels of their tribe, their race, their religion and their ideology.

When our leaders attempt to homogenize humanity into one thing by breaking down uniqueness and excellence to enforce conformity, that evil can never stand because it is based in compromise.  Seeking the lowest common denominator by force is unnatural.  Seeking a uniqueness in like-minded community and sharing that proudly with the greater humanity is vital to the co-empowerment upon which life rests.


Christianity: The Cosmonomic Religion


White Magic II