Christianity: The Cosmonomic Religion

Religions progress in cycles expressing the tripartite nature of all things.  Archaic religions were body oriented expressed thru nature worship and an ecstatic celebration of life.  These birthed  opposing mental Abrahamic-like religions of Judaism and Islam.  Deep feminine versus deep masculine.  Support of matriarchy versus support of patriarchy.  Body versus mind.  The perfect container for the divine child to be born in our heart.

Cosmonomics teaches us the place of division and opposition and how these religions help support the sharp separation of the positive and negative poles of the biosphere’s potential as an energy container.  But what use is an energy storage container if it cannot be tapped in time of need?  And how wasteful of life if the only way to retrieve the divided energy stored away in the tissues and minds of humans is through death?

Enter Christianity.  Elevating the heart as the master organ of religious expression through the act of forgiveness is the gift of Christianity.  If the original sin was eating of the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil, then the redemption of this original division back to wholeness is the most innocent and powerful act of human will.  To forgive. To weld division back together by reconciliation.

Death has aways forced the reconciliation of the wounds inflicted by our life.  But before there was the enshrinement of the power of forgiveness of sin, humanity was lost in the cycle of ritual sacrifice in its multitude of forms leading to death.  Priests, both matriarchal and patriarchal were blood sacrificers to “appease the gods”.  With the story of the crucifixion we finally see the other side of the story of ritual sacrifice from the view of the crucified.  Yes, Christ died for our sins.  We all do. But the Way He died is the real lesson.

Cosmonomics teaches us there is a dimensional doorway into and out of life.  That doorway we call the zero point exists at the center of our being and at the center of the toroidal field emanating from our heart.  Christianity teaches us how to maximize the healing power of reconciliation to remove as much division from the world of the living as possible while standing in the doorway between life and death.  There pain, suffering and disease meet ecstasy and become one. Again.

As a young child we all lived in the state of heart centeredness.  We lived in a state of playful ecstasy and if we were knocked out of that state by life we screamed and purged our emotions until we could rebuild ourselves energetically from our heart center outwards.  Christianity at its highest expression is to restore our child like heart with a mature layered defense of ego and mind armed with forgiveness.  Remaining energetically un-constipated in our heart center is the fruit of walking our own spiritual journey and setting up camp right outside the zero point.

Walking the path of the true Christian in life is like carrying around a bar of energetic soap.  Soap binds dirt and water for removal.  Forgiveness is the soap that reconnects division to the portal of reconciliation surrounding the zero point for removal.  Internal forgiveness too.  The Christian who carries forgiveness for others but has not done the work of self forgiveness is just carrying another deeper layer of constipation between life and death.  The idea of reconciliation is to be the most open and clear channel for energetic flow in life and in death.  Every excellent reconciliation gives the cosmos the energy it demands of its life within and relieves the pressure on other humans of forced reconciliation.

Christianity has at times been coopted by the judgment of the Pharisee, the Protestant work for wealth and as a tool of messianic nationalism.  But those are taints upon the true teaching of Christ in service to life by being a shepherd, a conduit and a gatekeeper of the zero point.

The story of Christ’s birth and of Christ’s death can be understood as the perfect cosmonomic circle of life and death in highest service to both our humanity and the cosmos.  Paradise born, paradise lost, paradise remembered, paradise restored.  The full human journey.


White Magic III


Compromise Versus Co-Empowerment