White Magic III

I ended my last post on white magic with the invocation to be like the sun.  Then we leave behind any unhealthy codependence with our fellow humans.  We do not modify ourself to be acceptable.  We radiate our truth, not in a maximal way nor explosively, but in a steady stream of being.  Then it is up to our fellow humans to approach or withdraw based upon their own sense and inner guidance.  Every organ in our body is many sun-like cells standing alone but together. Every great culture has many sun-like humans standing alone but together too.

Our sun in the sky is always radiating out impeccable guidance.  It is we who can choose to listen or not.  Our sun has its own frequency of light uniquely transmuting the surrounding plasma (once called ether) that is wall to wall filling all space with its own light and wisdom.  In white magic we call this transmutation “our own personal magic”.

Of course all black magic draws upon a poisoned past and could also be wrongly categorized as a personal magic.  But all sin and error used to power black magic is mined from an impersonal past that has been merely handed down in accordance with cosmic law for eventual, resurrection, expression and in well-hidden hope of redemption.  No, our own personal magic is an earned truth and power that came, not from past deviations of life, but rather comes from earning a cosmic-level reconciliation, enshrining it within our sacred memory and exercising it when life calls you out to shine.

Life on Earth is a sculptor’s tool shaping our personal magic.  To never recognize this fact is one of the greatest errors of every darker age.  But the darker the age, the stronger both black and white magic.  Being forced into the state of a perfect mind, heart, body alignment takes an element of evil to challenge us to respond.  When this state of being fully aligned, engaged and most alive is achieved these are the memories that form the basis of our own personal magic.

We can read old books, follow gurus and wise men or meditate for hours.  This can be a type of soul food making us open to a higher chance of success when life presents us a challenge.  But life always wants another unique example of life with its own personal magical origin story.  Why is love at first sight so magical if we have the being to make it real over time?  A fairy tale is always based upon a victory or a realization that can never be lost or forgotten.  All white magic is built upon those diamond-hard truths we have earned and are enshrined as our sacred memories at the core of our being.

I tie white magic to bioadministration because they both live in homeostasis. Disease, pathologies and black magic all disturb homeostasis and the proverbial Golden Mean.  A close study of bioadministration or of white magic leads one to cleanse oneself of internal contradictions and memories of past disturbances and therefore maintain a clear and open channel to the zero point, the ultimate homeostasis.

The human body, heart, mind can be an unconscious storage device of division and contradictions ready for a cosmic harvest through the forced reconciliation of death.  Or, it can be a storage vessel for potential enzymatic and catalytic actions for the maintenance of, or the restoration of, homeostasis when life challenges us.  And memories of past victories are our own personal magic capable of first defending and then triggering rapid and perfectly appropriate response to any disturbance.

Yes, the sun occasionally flares and even ejects plasma projectiles.  The sun is a warm friend and a badass. But its inner being is a steady stream of its unique light.  We too should model our image of ourself as steady, bright, unique and capable of burning up anything intruding upon our core.

Both life on Earth and the living organism by which we live life are a perfectly designed school and vehicle for the expression of white magic.  The only thing missing and needs to be written is our own personal magic.  Remember, the closer to the zero point our memories of life are, the more white our magic will be.


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