Cosmonomics David Beilharz Cosmonomics David Beilharz

Magic and Cosmonomics

I have written a series of blog posts to connect the practice of white magic to bioadministration and to the core foundation of life itself. Namely, the human body’s resilience and to the sun itself.  What is shrouded in taboo and mystery, I have attempted to make plain and obvious.  I have also suggested ways to see and negate the influence and power of black magic by seeing its cosmic roll as catalyst and enforcer by the managing of our own deviations from the zero point.  With these two polarities somewhat revealed and tamed into some level of partnership, we will now introduce the true (magical) power of reconciling the dark and the light.

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Bioadministration David Beilharz Bioadministration David Beilharz

White Magic III

I ended my last post on white magic with the invocation to be like the sun.  Then we leave behind any unhealthy codependence with our fellow humans.  We do not modify ourself to be acceptable.  We radiate our truth, not in a maximal way nor explosively, but in a steady stream of being.  Then it is up to our fellow humans to approach or withdraw based upon their own sense and inner guidance.  Every organ in our body is many sun-like cells standing alone but together. Every great culture has many sun-like humans standing alone but together too.

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