Magic and Cosmonomics

I have written a series of blog posts to connect the practice of white magic to bioadministration and to the core foundation of life itself. Namely, the human body’s resilience and to the sun itself.  What is shrouded in taboo and mystery, I have attempted to make plain and obvious.  I have also suggested ways to see and negate the influence and power of black magic by seeing its cosmic roll as catalyst and enforcer by the managing of our own deviations from the zero point.  With these two polarities somewhat revealed and tamed into some level of partnership, we will now introduce the true (magical) power of reconciling the dark and the light.

Cosmonomics is my scientific way of revealing the cosmic power and cosmic purpose of humans to humanity.  It starts with seeing the divisions into the binary dynamics of all created reality.  What we see from the dance of love to the drama of history, the repulsions and the attractions are all divisions and reconciliations of a whole primordial substance a scientist might call ether and a priest might call God.  These divisions of the whole who remain locked into irreconcilable contradictions are like the motor generators that spin with enough force to rotate galaxies and birth stars.  Science even sees our universe expanding at an expanding rate.

How ridiculous would this created world be if its only purpose is to keep dividing and dividing into more and more isolated pockets of what was previously a higher level of oneness and a more reconciled state?  What good is a runaway train to nowhere. Common sense and logic reveals then that the healing of division and the ability to reconcile endless loops of trapped division is not only a necessary component of a complete set of world laws but is the key to unlock cosmic level power.  The created world for all its sin and mystery is the treasure chest of God.  Therefore the taboos.

So is it any wonder that even using the world magic triggers all sorts of alarms and distractions.  Discussing black magic or white magic is still based upon division.  The real position of power lies in the reconciliation of dark and light, not trapped playing for one side or the other.  Your own body, heart and mind is a treasure chest of God.  Our sins, our ego and our dreams are gold buried away to save for the death journey and the return to Oneness.

To understand cosmonomics is to understand the laws by which every piece of our world  operates and how they all fit together.  My snapshots into white magic were just warm ups for those humans who desire to know, understand and wield the power of reconciliation.  The white meets the black but only “wins” where and when the two become one.  The ultimate power is in the return to God and it is the time in humanity’s development to understand our human superpower. Welding divisions back into wholeness in the furnace of our human heart.

I have sailed too close to the sun and faced unspeakable evil and have lived to tell about it because of my heart’s connection to the zero point.  White wizards and black magicians, like suns and black holes, are temporary assignments of “bent” humans who can sit at the farthest edges of this reality and act as fences and border guards.  The container of a treasure is just as important as the treasure itself.  Each human as a cosmic microcosm is both a treasure and a chest.  Each human is also meant to be a reconciler of their life back into Oneness.  The human superpower is to be both the treasure chest and the one with the key to open the chest.

So I may be guilty of using the taboo of invoking magic to draw my reader in.  But only to show you your own white wizard and black magician.  And your own savior.  Have dressed it up as a scientific understanding and a metaphysical reality I call cosmonomics.  But only to refresh the Great Mystery in my own modern words that ring true for all time.

You are your own salvation.


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