Organizing Principals

It’s Christmas morning and for nearly seven decades I remember celebrating this long tradition with my family.  I have played the part of Joseph in a Lutheran parochial school play on Christmas Eve and I have been separated from my blood family on some Christmas mornings post-divorce.  Today, I am in Hawaii with my family who is far removed from religion while fully dedicated to the sacredness of being together in love-filled celebration.

Life needs organizing principals and Christmas is one I honor.  This year my holiday book reading is The Naked Bible.  It is a completely literal reading of the Bible and it has hit me like having the early realization that Santa Claus is a myth.  There is no one God of the literally translated Bible.  There is a race of beings called Elohim (a plural word) and some type of assistants we call angels, all who liked to fuck and fuck with humans. Sexually and genetically. Our gods were not human, but lived on Earth for a time and had spaceships.  This is the written truth according to the same Bible that gave us Christmas and me an organizing principal to this day.

It seems all around the Western world, driven by the internet and our incessant digging into every contradiction upon which our civilization has been built,  we are smashing the foundations upon which we stand.  Patriarchy, colonialism, Christianity, even the liberal Enlightenment has all become mostly toxic instead of a journey of understanding filled with triumphs and mistakes.  For whatever reason, I was red-pilled to the illogical consensus reality upon which the Western world was based over twenty-five years ago.  I went in search of new organizing principals long before our modern world was recognized as in peril.

This blog and BCC institute is the fruit of my search for a new organizing principal for our shared human journey on Earth traveling through an infinite void.  My white, male, Anglo, Christian selves were not thrown to the wind for some New Age fever dream.  They were my organizing principals that gave me a ship to sail into the Great Mystery.  My own hero’s journey was not to lose myself or the ancestry upon which I was birthed and raised but to go out into the unknown and bring back my initiated self.

Like the white blood cell who wrestles with the disease until it transforms itself into the perfect anti-body, I have sought to wrestle with the disease affecting the West knowing I could be lost in the search or be infected by inhumanity.  Not so strangely, it is my greatest roll as father to four young humans that has been my greatest incentive to leave home on this journey, my greatest anchor against the temptation of the void to surrender myself and my greatest desire to return carrying the gifts of the hunt back to my human tribe.

Bioadministration, cosmonomics and citadelization are me now.  And I am them.  The three body problem cannot be solved with a guru or by a supercomputer.  Life can only be seen and reconciled from within.  I have struggled to speak and write in a way that can be heard and understood.  My first book, written over twenty years ago, is a poetry few can penetrate.  Today and three times a week, these bitesized blog posts are my attempt to feed my readers with a pleasing taste and a digestible nourishment.

The Great Mystery cannot be heard even if shouted from the rooftops.  The authority of a completely new set of organizing principals cannot be imposed by force or by fiat.  Christmas and Santa Claus must be very slowly and gently transformed into quaint memories by a more whole and substantial and true foundation of principals that engage our three-fold being.  These principals and this Institute are my gift to humanity for seeing, understand and adoption by individual choice.

I see where colonialism, Marxism, capitalism, consumerism and, yes, even Christianity have led us.  No judgement, only lessons learned with no need to repeat.  This Christmas I still weep at the beauty of its purity and innocence I still stand upon while at the same time my white, male, Anglo, straight self is diamond hard in my hard won convictions of a new way forward shared freely and without coercion.

Bioadministration, cosmonomics and citadelization and their Institute is my gift to life.  Merry Christmas.  Humanity is beautiful. Life is beautiful.


Resetting the Foundations of Human Life on Earth


Magic and Cosmonomics