Defeating Mind Viruses

Several of the latest hot topics on the internet have caught my attention.  That is their mission and purpose.  To gather attention and insert a self reinforcing program.  Rather like the toxoplasma that can only reproduce in the gut of cats infects mice and causes them to not only lose their innate fear of cats but to be mildly attracted to their scent.  Easy prey for further reproduction. See the elegant mouse trap built from this change in the prey’s mind?

What are the latest mind viruses released upon the human public?  The trailer for a movie called Civil War for one and a book called The Great Taking, for another.  Civil war is obvious.  The Great Taking is about the springing of the debt trap by raising interest rates, collapsing the economy and foreclosing on everyone’s indebted personal assets.  These two results are an ever present possibility anytime we buy on debt or gather within a complex organization.  So why are these ideas so infectious at present?

Well, we have just come through the COVID mind virus.  Earlier this year it was the rapid rise of ChatGPT artificial general intelligence (AGI) that both fascinated and terrified us.  And the Matrix/Hunger Games dystopia genre has been hot for decades.  What is happening to humanity?  Are we teasing ourselves with titillating fears for fun? No.  We are building a mental immune system to balance our ever increasing exposure to the wild west that is our cosmic neighborhood.

With the new medium of programmed light available 24/7 on our hand held devices, our minds are being bombarded with programs the same way an infant’s body is being bombarded with infectious agents when first born.  Humanity, as a whole is having to build a mental immune system to defend against mind viruses the same way our bodies have learned to resist physical infections.  The physical immune system has a well tuned sense of self and non-self to know when to attack and when to stand down.  Our mental immune system must learn how to identify and then defeat mind viruses.

In the past, we forced resets from terrible ideas through warfare.  Blood and destruction has always repelled us back to some extended period of peaceful homeostasis.  Can we discover less violent ways to wizen our minds and hearts to the increasingly inhuman ideas we are being overrun by in the information age?  Disease and evil are built into the system.  They win by losing.  The wild card is each human’s ability to find their center and their deeper sense of self to survive a physical or a mental virus.

Every immune system must be founded upon a division between self and non-self.  Every immune system must also have the ability to sense the intruder and shape shift their sense of self to meet any new virus so the self truly becomes immune from being re-infected over and over again.  Whether we are talking about a physical virus or a mental demon, their divine purpose is to force change by visiting over and over again until one or the other is victorious and both self and non-self are set free.

Citadelization is founded upon knowledge of self.  To be sovereign in body, heart and mind is the human journey of self mastery built into the Earth school and system.  The information age is in its infancy and is therefore dangerous in the same way a field of weeds, herbs, grasses and wild flowers can feed, heal and poison.  We must learn discernment through exposure, interaction and experience.

So when the latest shiny toys of civil war and financial collapse pops up on your video feed treat it like a new plant you just stumbled upon.  Smell it. Take a small nibble as far as your tongue.  Do not swallow it until your body has had a chance to react to its essence.  Learn from everything you experience and let it shine a deeper light upon your sense of self.  Spitting something out before you eat it or buy it prevents the need for it to be vomited out or repossessed is a sign of wisdom.

The defeat of mind viruses is what’s up for humanity.  Build your mental immunity by having as much the senses of taste and smell for the light coming in through your eyes as you do for the food coming into your mouth.  Be choosy.  Refine your palate.

Be a cell in the human organization immune from inhuman ideas.


Magic and Cosmonomics


White Magic III