Citadelization David Beilharz Citadelization David Beilharz

Defeating Mind Viruses

Several of the latest hot topics on the internet have caught my attention.  That is their mission and purpose.  To gather attention and insert a self reinforcing program.  Rather like the toxoplasma that can only reproduce in the gut of cats infects mice and causes them to not only lose their innate fear of cats but to be mildly attracted to their scent.  Easy prey for further reproduction. See the elegant mouse trap built from this change in the prey’s mind?

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Citadelization David Beilharz Citadelization David Beilharz

Bacteria Versus Viruses

Within a complex society and its protective system of justice, there is a new form of disease which presents significant challenge to the organization. In an individual human, this new challenge is called a viral infection.  The first viral infection is thought to be yellow fever isolated in 1881. So, in the evolutionary time scale, humanity is in the middle of a war against a brand new type of disease.

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