Bacteria Versus Viruses

Within a complex society and its protective system of justice, there is a new form of disease which presents significant challenge to the organization. In an individual human, this new challenge is called a viral infection.  The first viral infection is thought to be yellow fever isolated in 1881. So, in the evolutionary time scale, humanity is in the middle of a war against a brand new type of disease.

Bacteria have always been with us. They have their own branch on the tree of life and some scientists believe human cells may have a bacterial origin.  Whereas, viruses are not considered alive.  They are not considered able of independent life processes including replication.  Viruses replicate by hijacking the resources and DNA of healthy living cells.

If we look at this new invader to humanity from the eyes of a doctor of civilization, as a harmonic of disease within the greater body of humanity, then the old structure of the civilization’s immune system and justice system must evolve to face this new threat.  Think of a small town in the wild west of 1880s America, north or south.  An invader to the town was easily identified as an individual human or a gang of individuals.  Like a bacterial infection. The local sheriff and deputized citizens took on the task of eliminating the infection from the community.

But with the advent of electricity and the evolution of psychology along with their effects upon the mind in the late 1800’s we see the beginnings of viral infections and mass movements where many individual humans become infected with the same mind virus.  Where a bacterial infection can be easily eliminated from a community, the virus lives as a parasite inside a living cell and belief system in a living human.

The idea of “being sick” and ridding yourself or your community of disease has seriously changed with the advent of viruses over the last 150 years.  No longer can a local cop walking a beat manage the disease in his neighborhood or a local posse administer justice.  Now we all must deal with “viral load” in our own body and in our community.  Good people can have a mind virus akin to a formerly rare demonic possession of old.  Good cells can have a parasitic virus existing and multiplying within an otherwise healthy cell.

What to do?  Our civilizations must adapt to this new organizational challenge and the solution will be intimately tied to the health and resiliency of individual cells and individual humans via citadelization.  Our communities can no longer depend upon an independent immune system with specialized cells or a justice system that can only operate by attempting to rule by judging what is in our minds.  The rise of authoritarianism is directly related to complex societies attempting to use the bacterial model of fighting disease to viral infections.  Autoimmune disease is epidemic because the old justice system can no longer identify, much less manage viral infections.

Antibiotics, the miracle of the last century, do nothing against viruses.  Effective anti-viral drugs and therapies keep the individual cells from intrusion and block viral replication, by being healthy and resilient. This is the model of health modern civilizations must adapt to survive versus the old model of just killing the intruder.  This is a guerrilla war of and for the mind and the DNA code of humanity that can only be fought by health not death.  Antibiotics kill all bacteria, both beneficial and harmful. Anti-viral strategy, like in guerrilla war, must fight for the hearts and minds of the people with ideas and feelings of harmony and shared purpose.

Above every other strategy, the DNA, the mind and the government must be in integrity with life and purpose.  Lies and confusion covered by authoritarian action and media spin are as dangerous to the greater organization of humanity as the over-consumption of sugar, hydrogenated oils and pharmaceuticals that confuse the body’s instinct and innate wisdom.  Concepts like fairness, political integrity and legitimate purpose of the civilization that 150 years ago were not even considered are front and center today because the challenge of the new viral strategy of invasion and infection.

Evolution is a forcing function and the latest force upon our human organizations comes not through the body but through the mind.  Nature has released the forcing function of viruses upon humanity to force our civilizations to ascend or to re-atomize.  The only effective strategy against viruses and against guerrilla war is within the strength and health of the people individually.  Any single human can potentially infect hundreds or thousands.  Look at social media and its attempts to censor ideas.  We are in a healing crisis with the possible death of civilization or the hijacking of the civilization via authoritarian control hanging in the balance.

There is a third path.  The narrow gate being forced upon life is the recognition of the power of radiation within the morphogenic field.  A healthy civilization radiates a harmonious field which attracts each individual cell to that “vibe” and makes obvious what does not belong in that field.  Tribes instinctually knew they needed the glue of shared ceremony and the shaman with his plant medicines to identify and drive off bad ideas infecting good people before they could spread.

Humans are designed to infect each other with better or worse ideas as a way to learn and evolve.  Nature steers humanity by the attraction to life and the repulsion from death.  A new form of death must be responded to with a new level of living organization. We have been experimenting over the last century with ideologies and new forms of authority to enforce them with many failures.  Some have been based on freedom and some based on control. What has yet to be tried is the reconciliation of freedom and control. 

There is an attractive force that lives in the depths of every living thing, including every human cell.  It radiates from the reconciliation of freedom and control into a force that could be called true purpose.  The only immunity from viral infection is alignment with true purpose.  Remember. Disease can also deliver the gift of self-discovery of our purpose so true there is no place for parasitic intrusion. 


Navigating the Unknown

