Navigating the Unknown

When I was a US naval officer, I was assigned the duty of navigator on my guided missile destroyer’s deployment from San Diego to Bahrain in the Persian Gulf and back.  This was before GPS and we still used paper charts and gyrocompasses and sextants.  Dead reckoning, a running sun line and lead soundings where my living tools yet to be replaced by the easy and constant near perfect position via satellite.  

Navigating the unknown is a dying art of life in our modern world.  There are travel guides, expert advice and wikipedia to answer every question and dispel any ignorance at our fingertips.  This is so very useful…and blinding.  There is a story of an adept in the Egyptian tradition who in a final test of initiation is purposefully betrayed by the master that has been the source of truth for years.  The test is designed to see if the initiate still has their own internal compass intact.

When “the truth” lies outside our own being we are extremely vulnerable to mis-information.  The main stream news, social media and even scientific publication are all heavily curated today…with an agenda to steer the truth.  God forbid innocent people might sail into an unknown harbor with the risk of running aground.  No, our muscle of discernment is weak from being spoon fed “the truth”.  The official narrative about 9/11 or WMD’s or the Kennedy assassination is like a religious dogma fed over and over again. The COVID vaccine is “safe and effective”.

The mind control of droning repetition can only work for long if the volume of our internal conscience has been turned way down.  Like all the ancient tools of discernment have been covered over by GPS, our moment by moment news feeds and Yelp reviews, we walk around our world being led by filters, not raw data that needs interpretation.  If we even begin to question our reality and its truth then “fact checking” is easy to find flavored to our taste.

Imagine you are a king or even a president that never goes out among the people and interacts with the economy.  Remember how our first President Bush on the campaign trail went through a grocery store checkout and did not know what barcodes and scanners were?  It was a big issue and contributed to his defeat. Being in a state of wonder before the unknown is a cardinal sin for anyone but a child and our public schooling resolves that opening to wonder as soon as possible.

Don’t get me wrong. I understand the value of memory and repetitive programs.  I like waking up in the morning without having to reinvent myself everyday.  Having a foundation to stand upon is crucial.  In fact, recovering our ability to navigate the unknown with our internal tool of conscience is dependent upon the history and life lessons up to that moment of choice.  Our sense of self is our own personal propaganda of curated memory and internal commentary. The real issue today is, do we really have a choice?

Is our reality really of our own choice and creation?  Can we still wonder?  When a young child stares off into space they are accessing an unseen “internet” with all the answers to every question.  Going timeless through meditation and ritual is the recovery of our innate ability to feel our way forward into what seems like the unknown.  

Do you believe within the “unknown” there is a plan and a destination for you? For humanity?  And knowing there is a  plan for your life at every juncture is something that cannot be lost, only covered up by the sweeter and handier truths curated for you by other humans for profit and control? In Einstein’s ultimate question “Is the universe friendly?” we know his edge.  Can we trust in the mysterious wonderful feeling of stepping into the unknown and being caught by something greater than our current reality?

The wisdom that lives outside of time and space as we know it is the perpetual mystery.  Even if I could paint the perfect picture in words to demystify Eternity, you could not hear it until you are ready.  But I still try because this is my life path that keeps me on my toes in the state of wonder.  

Being in the state of unknowing is the third state of being between yes and no, left and right, up and down, past and future.  Cosmonomics is founded upon the truth that everything we can see, taste, touch, smell and hear is some division of the One.  Therefore, when presented with apparent opposition the highest path is to be in the state of unknowing and wonder denying either path and waiting for their opposition to become a dance unto harmony that the pair naturally resolves into.  Trust and patience are essential.

We punish our leaders for being in a state of unknowing while we praise our children for their innocent explorations.  Neither state is the true state of man or mankind.  But being in the dance between knowing and the unknown is the power position that the most successful people and civilizations live and enshrine.

So the next time you have a big choice to make, make sure you have a choice to make.  Stay in the state of unknowing until all the players and choices have made an appearance and have spoken their truth.  Then remember there is an order that lives outside of time and space who does love you.  You might call that thing God, your guardian angel, your higher self, Nature.  

Just trust the universe has a plan and through your conscience will reveal the next step of the plan in every moment. Find the place of unknowing inside that allows your inner king or president to radiate wonder from your heart like a child at play.  When the new direction downloads from Eternity check it against the chart of your life’s memory and experience. That’s the way the old salts navigate and remain afloat in a sea of mystery.


Balance of Power


Bacteria Versus Viruses