Balance of Power

Bioadministration is the ideal human organization because the forces of life and death have pruned the successful human into the perfect balance of power between mind, heart and body.  A human stuck in their head, a slave to their emotions or addicted to the endorphins of bodily exertions is not the ideal.  The modern world may allow for an off-balanced approach to life but that is not the human harmony upon which the modern world is built.  

In fact, civilization is the hopeful, nascent beginnings of a truly integrated humanity though the modern economy, the industrial and information revolutions and globalization that gives us the freedom as individuals to explore being off balance.  Freedom from time-consuming toil for existence allows our weaknesses that need exploration to arise.  The bigger and more complex the organization also makes it easier to hide in a codependent loop with some other complementary soul.

On an individual, family and tribal scale there is no ability to long hide from the forces of nature and the nature of fairness in small groups without direct reflection upon the disturbers of the peace.  There is a balance of power enforced both inside and outside.  These organizations are the most perfected state of man on this planet with all the instinct for success and the fallback position when all else fails.  But, repeatedly, humans fall for the lure of the big city, the experiment in civilization precisely because it is destabilizing.  

Balance is earned by knowing our imbalances, testing our limits and exercising the fitness of our fine motor skills.  Big cities are great for this exercise. Even though we know at some level that civilization is a Ponzi scheme of grifters that first must suffer initiation and then later give initiation into a mystery that means nothing except what we can glean about ourselves from the continued fleece and fleecing.  Retirement has become this unnatural hope of escape born from an unnatural life where harmony is restored by a return of balance within ourself and with nature.

A core offering of bioadministration is to bring the perfected balance of power of the individual, the family and the tribe into the organization of larger, more complex human organizations.  We are naturally drawn to the unknown to further the known…but with the size and human power of these experiments we can be drawn into a world we cannot escape, lesson learned or not.  Communism, Nazism, and someday maybe capitalism may be generation-long forays into a state of civil war and collapse.  Human history and our track record of -isms is a doctor’s thesis on everything that does not work for long due to inherent imbalances of power.

I suggest instead of another experiment into technocracy, digital money and virtual reality (that is sure to fail spectacularly), we use the blueprint of our own mind, heart and body balance of power.  Arguably the best political system yet to be created, the US constitution, is a tricameral system with checks and balances.  Whether we reform the best existing system by using the diagnostic tools of bioadministration or we design a new balance of power with our government based upon the body, heart, mind triad is just strategy.  The destination has already been set.  The “promised land” of a powerful balance has a roadmap and a blueprint. Bioadministration.

To be a living system is to have integrated feedback between body and mind, people and government.  A dead system starts to fall over and without the correcting mechanism of awareness of imbalance and how it is restored, it keeps falling down.  This is where we find ourselves today.  Special interest capture of our government makes rapid change financially painful to vested interests.  Is the Ukraine proxy war in alignment with our heart values or is it a funding stream of food to specialized bacteria deeply embedded in our digestive tract that scream out to be fed? “We must have war!”  or quarterly profits will suffer. Do our politicians or their families benefit through gifts and direct payments from foreign governments and corporations?  How can we respond to change when the pain signals to the brain, from people to government are blocked?

We are most likely on the verge of an epic collapse of the financial edifice of debt-based money.  Like a family without a “no more” function of a credit limit or overdraft fees, our governments and their electronic digits are bankrupt and can never pay back what is owed.  That is bankruptcy and much of the rest of the world is isolating itself from our diseased use of power, using force, coercion and bribery like a drunk desperately using the nearest light pole to stay upright.

When you hear the talk of a Great Reset of the failed New World Order know that it is another mental power grab and therefore another off-balance design sure to fail for the mass of humans worldwide.  It is time to put the mind and our government to sleep for the night.  Let our hearts and bodies do what they naturally do to give rest and restoration to the mind.  How often does the mind give reset to the mind? Never.  The mind cannot make a new plan until IT has been reset.

So whenever you hear the fear porn from the mainstream media treat it like an endless loop in our mind that is approaching sleep.  Turn out the lights.  Treat our corporations and our institutions like the parasitic bacteria and molds calling out to be fed when we go on a diet.  The night and a little starvation diet will sort out by morning who and what belongs.  

The closer the people cleave to their own bodies, their own souls, their own families and their own tribes the easier will be the natural reset that each cycle brings.  A fresh start. Do not be seduced by the voices destined to not be there in the morning or you might just get washed away with them.


Cults Versus Citadelization


Navigating the Unknown