
One of the challenges of talking about how creation actually works is the confusing language and theories purported to be true.  In these days, even the big bang theory is in serious jeopardy after billions of dollars and millions of hours invested.  The idea and evidence of extraterrestrial life existing and visiting is both compelling and completely hidden.  It almost seems as though there is some taboo on humans finding out the objective truth and perhaps even some unseen force actually monitoring human thought and is able to scramble and retard human understanding.

Therefore, if we are going to discover an objective truth, it is best to look at undeniable and common everyday experiences as our best test equipment for verification.  Nowhere is this more important than when talking about anti-gravity.  Bioadministration and cosmonomics also call anti-gravity by the much less mysterious name of free sensation. The Chinese call it chi or life force.  Whatever name we use, free sensation or anti-gravity or chi is an extremely valuable commodity because it drives all life. Without coding or direction, it is the raw material of magical practices.

Western medicine still has no tool or training for or about the force that gives life its motive force.  How primitive is that?  How can we talk about something founded in truth with no textbook or test equipment?  Well, we all have both textbook and test equipment.  Our own body.  Bioadministration is the science derived from the function of our own body and our body’s ability to carry out all human and cosmic functions on an individual scale.  Yes, we can produce anti-gravity inside our own body.

Some of the actions of our body that can be tied directly to anti-gravity include orgasm, vomiting, coughing and sneezing.  Today, we will look at the common everyday sneeze and awaken to its superpower driven by anti-gravity.  According to Wikipedia a sneeze may clear the nasal passage, be triggered by bright light, caused by a full stomach, be caused at the initiation of sexual intercourse, by exposure to allergens, caused by a change in air temperature or, in other words, it’s still a mystery.

Around the world, a sneeze is a sign.  Whether confirming a truth, that someone is talking about them or just a histamine response a sneeze is always followed across the Earth in every culture by a blessing of good health.  Can all these superstitions lead us to a truth when billions invested in modern science have no clear answer?  When traditions are universal there is gold to be mined.

What is certainly true is that the sneeze’s burst of free sensation is being used to clear a memory from the body, heart or mind.  The reason for the invocation of God’s blessing and good health is because the uncontrolled expulsion of anti-gravity is an opportunity to reset the mind, heart and bodily conditions.  The blessing always followed the free sensation just spewed into the air that needed to be codified with something positive and to fill the space created within the sneezing human.  The ancients knew a sneeze is a doorway between the material and spirit world.  And its opening is an event that requires immediate attention of the local environment.

I studied an ancient form of Golden Shield Chi Gong martial art. When we got to the head level and were breaking tiles over our head and also practicing breaking through the overhead psychic barrier we would forcefully speak the word ACHOO.  Similarly, when doing a cutting motion in a hand strike, the word CHOO was invoked.  A sneeze could be said to be cutting the head off of a demon.

Where am I going with all these musings?  Humans are subject to the powerful forces of gravity and anti-gravity. We tend to think gravity is more well-understood. No, it is an even deeper mystery than anti-gravity and free sensation.  Gravity pulls everything down into darkness while anti-gravity enlightens, if, we are paying attention.  

Bioadministration is the management of living systems upon the model indelibly infused within the human blueprint.  The sneeze is a significant biological event and must be able to be explained by any system of knowledge that purports a scientific understanding of the human body.  In this age of scientism, backed by a healthcare system that only wants to suppress our sneezing and cannot even remotely connect the universal need for a blessing to follow, there is much to be learned and remembered about the natural order of life that science is blind to.

Big bang theory, String theory, dark matter, atom smashers, gene theory.  We have extremely complicated scientific theories about our world that when followed to their core are proven wrong again and again.  How about we start with the simplistic true things we can all sense and understand?  Bioadministration builds everything from the ground up rooted in the truth of our own body, heart and mind and tested by nature for a thousand generations.

So the next time our government spends billions on science based on wild theories you can never verify, just laugh.  The money isn’t real either.  To study real science, go stare at a fire or talk to your heart or ride a sneeze like a giant wave into Eternity for an instant to see what you can see for yourself.


Bacteria Versus Viruses


Cosmonomic New World Order