Cosmonomic New World Order

I have described how I went on a journey to discover cosmonomics from my fear of the organizing power of bioadministration.  Looking back, this fear of my mind being all-powerful and wanting to tame it with the heart connection to the cosmos was my own personal inner condition, journey and need projected upon the world.  Fortunately, I made the harmonizing journey within to my own heart before my mind grabbed the reigns of this reorganization of humanity.

It has become so commonplace today to talk about a Great Reset or a New World Order or a New Age, but I have lived in the no man’s land between the old world and the new for many years.  Yes, the first President Bush announced the New World Order at the fall of the Berlin Wall over thirty years ago.  That imagined Order was capitalism’s worldwide ascent over communism.  My New World Order was a reconciliation of the capitalism/communism dyad by discovering/remembering a higher truth.

Cosmonomics says the easiest way to discover your highest personal path is to let Christ and the Devil to continue to advocate within their opposing paths allowing neither to dominate until they both agree on a new, higher path that neither saw in the beginning.  The wrestling match is the climb into a higher world. Cosmonomics sees how this entire reality is made of dividing the whole into apparent opposites.  Therefore, if the goal is to return to God, Unity or One, then fusing the opposites through reconciliation is always the higher path.

Today, we are reaping the consequences of the fateful decision thirty years ago to lead the world into a total capitalist New World Order with one boss administering the “rules-based order”.  It was bound to collapse into division because it never embraced reconciliation.  The 1990s was the rape of Russia and the bribing of the Chinese.  We attempted to lead the world into a New World Order by seducing two ancient civilizations into abandoning their heart and their ethos for capitalism’s material gain.

All this continued talk of a Great Reset of the failed New World Order is because anybody with any brains knows that capitalism and its financialization with fiat money is a debt-based Ponzi scheme that is going to collapse. Even the humans that most benefit from it know the system is bankrupt and can never pay all its debts.  Our elites have so led us into a blind alley they now pursue depopulation and technocracy with AI and robots.  The more control the better is always the mind’s solution to every situation.

I am not casting stones against my brothers, I was one of them.  My journey into my heart and recovering my connection to creation itself is the model I propose for the Cosmonomic New World Order.  Where capitalism is centered around counting money, investment and debt, cosmonomics is centered around feeling the cosmic currency of life and its ability to contain contradiction and harvest reconciliation.  Cosmonomics says we live inside the body of our God or our Creator in a lawful symbiotic relationship with duties and benefits.

Any honest discussion of a Great Reset or New World Order must begin with who makes the laws.  Man-made laws divide.  Religion propagandizes the vision of a few men. Cosmonomics, citadelization and bioadministration follow the universal laws of life.  Life is the cosmic currency we were made to embody and any system of laws, to be lasting, must be built upon the economy of humans and their Creator through the medium of exchange…Life.

The first step towards a cosmonomic New World Order is the recognition of the role of the Devil and the Christ as archetypes of division and reconciliation.  One grows life and one harvests life.  The biosphere on Earth is a garden containing massive levels of available energy through a multitude of divisions.  The One is divided into two and set in motion. All the endless loops of contradiction we know as life are the One in potential waiting for harvest through reconciliation in the heart.  The true way forward, no matter the difficulty of the life circumstance, always starts with heartfelt forgiveness. 

Yes, life on Earth is a biological system for a purpose we cannot see any more than one of our muscle cells knows why it is contacting and releasing.  Until we face the truth of our human condition and then begin to understand the laws by which we live, then we are just spinning and powerless by our own minds living in a delusion.  Minds do that.  Their power is imagination. Their weakness is delusion. 

I am no longer living in the no man’s land between my head and my heart.  I know who is king, my heart.  And my mind is my faithful prime minister.  I live in my own New World Order but I am not a preacher or a politician.  I am a fish swimming in a medium that surrounds us all.  Cosmonomics gives us the senses to see, hear, smell, taste and touch the Eternity we are made of and must return to.  

The water is fine.  Time is an illusion. Jump in whenever you are ready.




Personal Magic