Cosmonomics David Beilharz Cosmonomics David Beilharz

Heart Hygiene and Defense

Here at the end of a down cycle in organized religion and the soft-headed confusion surrounding the New Age movement there is little wisdom still residing in humanity of how to protect our heart from penetration and contamination.  At the same time, we have a pharmaceutical based psychiatry finding more and more ways to block and deaden our emotional body and an increasing intensity of programmed light dug from deeper and deeper into the collective unconscious of humanity to over stimulate us. 

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Bioadministration David Beilharz Bioadministration David Beilharz

Bioadministration’s Heart

I talk a lot in my blog about cosmonomics and the energetic exchanges within the heart between this world and the unseen world through the vortex of the zero point.  This is because I choose to empower the heart over the mind in this age. The Enlightenment was an arising and empowerment of the mind from the emotional morass of the middle and dark ages.  Each age has its challenges and the recovery of homeostasis must be supported by a 360 degree set of tools to rebalance ourselves and remain alive.

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Cosmonomics David Beilharz Cosmonomics David Beilharz

The Warrior’s Heart III

The gold standard of heart warrior hood was, of course, Jesus.  Several of his famous followers were Gandhi and Martin Luther King.  All three were facing insurmountable physical domination by the Romans, the British and White Racists and therefore wisely surmised to invent or follow a model of empowerment founded in ethics.  The heart is always ruled by ethics even if it cowers at the ideologies of the mind for an age.

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Cosmonomics David Beilharz Cosmonomics David Beilharz

The Warrior’s Heart II

In today’s posting regarding cosmonomics, we will actually look a our heart’s functional energetic construction as a precious and powerful instrument.  The understanding our heart’s assigned mission as our regulator of division and reconciliation around the zero point has occupied much of my writings on cosmonomics. Today we can begin to discuss how a human heart can be “a weapon more powerful than a gun.”

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Citadelization David Beilharz Citadelization David Beilharz

The Heart Citadel III

For all our science and our experts in white coats, the human heart, its operation, and its function remain mysteriously hidden. Everyone knows the heart is a pump except when disease causes the heart valves to misfire the direction of the blood flow remains one-directional against the laws of physics. Perhaps this is because of the vortex (zero point) created in the left ventricle which remains strangely unexplored.

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Citadelization David Beilharz Citadelization David Beilharz

The Heart Citadel II

Several posts back on the subject of citadelization we discussed the heart as a citadel with respect to ego formation and dissolution during the human journey and how this defensive perimeter regulates the production, storage and use of the neutralizing and reconciling force so critical to the arising and sustaining of life on Earth and in the solar system. Today, we will explore the expanded citadel around the heart’s zero point from the aspect of bioadministration’s structural support of this vital defensive structure.

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Citadelization David Beilharz Citadelization David Beilharz

The Heart Citadel

Our mind is a force that requires serious strategies of counterbalance and limitation.  Sleep is the most obvious and routine bodily process we use to break harmful patterns of excess and abuse.  Today we are going to discuss how our bodies create what is commonly known as our ego as a defensive perimeter around our heart to prevent the mind’s easy access to our stores of emotional and physical energy.  The heart citadel.

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Cosmonomics David Beilharz Cosmonomics David Beilharz

Cosmonomic New World Order

I have described how I went on a journey to discover cosmonomics from my fear of the organizing power of bioadministration.  Looking back, this fear of my mind being all-powerful and wanting to tame it with the heart connection to the cosmos was my own personal inner condition, journey and need projected upon the world.  Fortunately, I made the harmonizing journey within to my own heart before my mind grabbed the reigns of this reorganization of humanity.

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Cosmonomics David Beilharz Cosmonomics David Beilharz

Zero Point

I have often used the term zero point without a direct definition.  So far, I have led my reader from various situations and circumstances of life back to its fully reconciled state and labeled it zero point. With this blog post, I will attempt a direct definition of the single doorway into and out of our perceived reality.

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Citadelization David Beilharz Citadelization David Beilharz

Patriarchy and Succession

Here at BCC Institute, a patriarchy is not defined as a group of men running the world.  The masculine power of knowing and wielding light can emanate from a biological male or female.

The patriarchy is the mind of any organization of humanity with its masculine, feminine and unified compartments.

In an ideal world, a system of patriarchy would renew itself and train its next leaders by the structure and design of the system itself.  Fraternities and secret societies attempt this with hazings and ritualized suffering to weed out the uncommitted and make more valuable the secrets at the core of that belief system and patriarchy.  On the downside, succession becomes self-referential and the original focus of the system becomes staying alive, instead of its original purpose and service. 

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Bioadministration David Beilharz Bioadministration David Beilharz

Atlas Shrugged Rewritten

The classic story of Atlas Shrugged contains a fictional response of what happens when the body of an organization becomes riddled with cancerous cells and the mind responds with more and more authoritarian control weighing down the heart and the creative class to run and hide.  The glorification of Ayn Rand’s heroes’ self-serving, self-righteous escape to encourage the system collapse is as polluted as her personal life story.  As satisfying as it can be to use division to wall our hearts off from our human design to find reconciliation even in a fight, it is always a failure to run and hide with no plan of return.

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Cosmonomics David Beilharz Cosmonomics David Beilharz

The Heart of the Matter

Every once in a while we must return to the real and raw heart of what really matters among all the lesser issues.  That is today and the heart of everything within cosmonomics is the manufacture, storage, and use of third force.  What is third force?  How do the two gases hydrogen and oxygen, rocket fuel,  become an inflammable liquid, water?  Third force is the bond between the two gasses. Water is a storage device of third force. Likewise, life is the bond between spirit and matter and a storage device for higher frequencies of third force.

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