Bioadministration’s Heart

I talk a lot in my blog about cosmonomics and the energetic exchanges within the heart between this world and the unseen world through the vortex of the zero point.  This is because I choose to empower the heart over the mind in this age. The Enlightenment was an arising and empowerment of the mind from the emotional morass of the middle and dark ages.  Each age has its challenges and the recovery of homeostasis must be supported by a 360 degree set of tools to rebalance ourselves and remain alive.

So today we are going to explore the physical and energetic structure of the heart from the view of bioadministration as the organization designed to carry and serve our heart, the seat of our soul.  We tend to see ourselves as beings who, after traversing many blind alleys and sustaining enough self inflicted wounds, finally make the journey back to our heart.  That is more of the cosmonomic journey into division and reconciliation.  And studying the economic interactions of our emotional body with the body, heart, mind as a storage device.

Today, from the point of view of bioadministration, we will remember how our human organization was built from the heart outward.  A fact we can forget but never leave. The first cells to differentiate within our human embryo were the lining of the intestine and the central nervous system.  Why? To create the pathway to gather energy and to lay down the communication trail between all the cells.  This gut-brain connection is well explored but not as the father and mother of the heart that is about to be born from them and between them in a few days.

Have you ever thought of your mind as your father or your body as your mother?  Or your heart as their child? By definition, a father and a mother only earn those titles by their having a child.  Likewise a mind and a body without a living heart means a loss of the guiding and restraining ethics of the Father and Mother archetypes.  Addiction in body and judgment in mind are core symptoms of a lost mother and father pretending to right action whose inner child is starving or dead.

So the care and feeding of our inner child is a crucial aspect of bioadministration not just because of what the cosmos asks of our emotions to transmute but from the the single human having internal purpose and drive as an inner family too.  Our gut lining becomes a whole ecosystem of chemical and alchemical transmutations with an extremely complex immune system to protect self from non-self.  Our minds gather, synthesis and store our life’s memories and develop set programs ready to instantaneously load and run to navigate every possible interaction with life.

Both mind and body are incredible creations that by themselves are of limited value.  When they interact with each other without the creative commitment to their heart child there is a loveless marriage in a perpetual circling into death.  Add in the third polarity of purpose, whether its a human child, an inner child, a business, an art or any other creative expression then there is life with purpose.

Each living human has a toroidal field (donut-shaped) emanating from our heart at least three feet from the body.  This electromagnetic field acts like Earth’s magnetic field as the protective layer that both senses and shields itself from the cosmos.  At the center of Earth is an engine of transmutation of non self into self taking all the inputs its magnetic field brings to the central vortex and harmonizing our inner being with our outer world. When we meditate and remember to breathe into our heart center we emulate what Earth does as the basis of all physics and science.

When our field is “rocked” by a physical or energetic disturbance our mind and our body have many helpful ways to act like a good mother and father to redirect their child back to homeostasis.  Vomiting, sneezing, sighing, crying, coughing, sleeping and laughing are all built in instincts to help clear and rebalance our heart’s magnetic field.  More advanced conscious methods guard and tune the crown and root chakras as field entry and exit points.  Our voice is the most forceful protector and defender of the heart center unless our mind has has taken possession.  The father speaking for the child is an emergency circuit that often gets overwhelmed and co-opted.

The human organism is a special purpose vehicle of divine origin, evolution, refinement and expression.  To be gifted such a sensitive and powerful tool should inspire awe and wonder and gratitude and honor daily if not moment by moment.  We can see ourselves as milk cows in a prison called good and evil or we can see ourselves as cells inside the body of God able to participate in the wonder of wonders.

I suggest taking an objective view of the wonder that is you and meditating on your own inner family of father, mother and child.  The blueprint of the human body, heart, mind and its abilities when in harmony are a gift beyond any ability to repay.  But having an impossible task is the gift and the curse of being human.

Looking inside using bioadministration to see the inner familial connections and co-empowerment can help us harmonize our larger human organizations.  Recognizing how this vehicle we call ourself was designed at its heart and for its heart will be invited in during life or reinforced through death. Get on board early.

As disturbing as it can be to let your inner child grow into having the wheel and the microphone, its the best ride in creation.




Paradise Lost