
Humans are very susceptible to contagions, by design.  From the mental realm we must be able to receive messages through the collective unconscious circuit.  From the physical realm our bodies must be stress tested and evolved by the spread of pathogens.  And from the emotional realm we must be able to be mass stimulated to absorb and transmute disharmonious energies falling upon Earth.  After all, we live inside greater levels of Life and are subject to their control no less than our own heart’s response to our choice of a strenuous activity.

Objectively we could say that humanity is a controlled species with mental, emotional and physical stimuli coming from three different vectors.  Inventions and ideologies planted within the collective unconscious.  Pathogens arising from the animal incubators are obvious steering mechanisms for evolution.  The entire science of cosmonomics attempts to codify the cosmic purpose and use of the human emotional body individually and en mass.  Contagion through systemic connection is a method of control we can all see even if we cannot see who is planting the seeds and pulling the strings.

Echoing our contagion circuits for all with eyes to see are our governments and corporate marketing campaigns using methods from social media influencers all the way to frequency mind control to steer our bodies, hearts and minds into herds of action and ignorance.  Does humanity have an anti-dote to our built-in circuits of external control? Yes. Citadelization.

Contagion can also be a unifying force when a single human uses it to enhance their own sense of self.  Each cell in our body has a mind and a sense of self that resides at the cell wall “membrane” and guards the receptor sites judging for positive or negative value everything available for passage.  Each human has an electromagnetic auric field around themselves centered upon the heart that bathes the trillions of cells in a contagion of self.  The Earth has its sensitive layer of electromagnetic energy surrounding itself which every human swims within. Even if we never consciously interact with it, we are contagious within Earth’s field.

Where humans error or suffer damage is within the personal layers of citadels of the cellular, the organ, the self, the tribal.  Each layer has its own contagious radiation to hold itself together and as a separate citadel.  Too strong a radiation and it invades other citadels, weakening them.  Too weak a radiation and that layer is easily penetrated.

Let’s review this landscape of contagion.  We are designed to be able to be steered and even controlled by higher forces we reside within through separate channels of mind, heart and body contagion.  We have humans who are tapping into these divine channels with engineered pathogens, mass communications and targeted psychological profiling.  Nature and intelligent design have given each layer the power of internal contagion to create citadels of self.  Life seems to be a constant jockeying these layers of contagion with a sweet spot of homeostasis the supercomputer of mind, heart and body are constantly steering towards.

Contagion is neither good nor bad.  It just is a fact of our creation we must incorporate into widespread understanding now that some humans have figured out how to hack into the contagion circuit.  On the positive side, intuitive healers can use the contagion circuit to feel another human’s suffering and disease while not losing their own strong sense of self. Human saints can use their own internal harmony to freely share with other humans who are open to receive.

Some spiritual traditions claim we are in the age of radiation.  From chemical science leading to the creation of nuclear power to mass communications allowing one human to affect millions there is a new amplitude of contagious power and a wrestling for control. Eventually we will re-establish homeostasis at a new level of being.  Contagion, viewed as radiation of self and upon others, is the test of this age of man.  And the only response we have ever had is to amp up each layer of self radiation in order to not be swept away by mass contagions like world war and pandemic.

Meditation, yoga and tai chi were all designed to help balance our internal radiation and harmony.  For some people knitting, games, painting, sports and other art forms enhance self expression and accomplish the same state of contagious unity.  Sitting around and watching Fox news or MSNBC is being radiated an invading contagion to herd groups of humanity into division with a charge of energy easy to harvest.

We are all connected.  Our own trillions of cells each covered with numerous receptor sites constantly making the choice of open or closed all add up to being human.  Billions of humans are radiating their own desires and sense of self that can grow into win-win civilizations.  Humanity lives inside greater levels of life and we must respond to their radiating contagions.

The Great Mystery is we are all contagious to the One.  But how all these infinite number of lesser contagions fit together is impossible to see and is probably the best guarded secret of the Universe.  Each human can only know their small part to be the best caretaker of their own internal universe, be firmly committed to a win-win relationship with all other humans and be a servant to the greater Life we live within.

Viva contagion!


The Three Body Problem and Fine Motor Control


Bioadministration’s Heart