The Three Body Problem and Fine Motor Control

Newtonian physics as the foundation of astrophysics has worked so well in describing the motion of the planets that we tend to look upon our solar system as like a watch mechanism in its order and predictability.  Theories of planetary formation and motion are now considered laws. Except that Venus spins “backwards”.  Except that Earth’s moon and the Sun’s moon, Mercury, are tidally locked that no model of physics can predict the natural arising of this perfect precision.  These cannot be accidental or even exist by current science.

Every physicist knows of the three body problem of keeping three celestial bodies in a stable and predictable orbit defies explanation.  How about nine planets, with moons, around their star?  Why has no planet or moon been thrown out of orbit when that happens nearly every time with only three bodies? Because the solar system is alive and has mechanisms of fine motor control and concentrated energetic adjustment mechanisms just like our living bodies have to maintain homeostasis.

The Earth was the same diameter for the first three billion years or more with a single land mass known as Pangea. In the last 350 million years the Earth doubled its diameter, broke apart the single continent and created massive oceans.  Where did all this water come from if it was not already here? The Earth is alive and growing with processes of creation and transmutation modern science has no explanation for.

Any observable fact with no scientific explanation is considered magic.  So being alive is a magical act because science has no rational explanation for human evolution, for our expanding Earth or our elegantly designed and living solar system.  Or…science has much to learn.  Let’s start with how our human three body system of mind, heart and body stays alive by fine adjustments.

We take standing upright on two feet for granted.  Have you ever watched a child learn to walk or have you tried to do a handstand?  The secret is to find the point of balance first and then to train our muscles and our inner ear to maintain our balance.  Then we extend our ability to remain in balance when moving or knocked off balance.  Resilience of our point of balance by fine motor control is a function of being alive and every function of being alive is the ability to restore a homeostasis when it is disturbed.

The pH of our arterial blood can only vary a few hundredths off of homeostasis for us to remain alive.  So our body has five different mechanisms like taking calcium from our bones and acid from our stomach to counteract the wide variety of foods and drinks we choose to digest.

So how hard is it to imagine the Earth and the solar system also have mechanisms of fine motor control and chemical response to external disturbances in order to be alive?  Why have billions of human “cells” living on your surface without purpose for your life?  Creation is not that wasteful.

Cosmonomics is my scientific approach to show the value and purpose of humanity to the greater organizations of life we reside within.  Its theory states humans act as a fine motor control where micro adjustments to restore balance allow the small to effect the large.  Certain enzymes our liver makes allows one molecule to transform millions of other molecules in chain reaction.  The experience of a single human spread over mass media can effect the emotional body of millions.

The Great Pyramid of Giza was built upon the exact dimensions of the Earth (which no one knows how the builders knew those dimensions) and has been theorized as a device to effect the entire Earth via the harmonics of as above, so below with micro adjustments.  The small can effect the large and the large can effect the small because we are all living inside the same living system.

There is little argument among humans that we are effected by the planets, the Earth’s magnetic field strength, solar outbursts and cosmic rays.  Well every energetic interaction between levels of life is a two-way street.  We humans are effected by cosmic forces and….we humans effect the cosmos.

How empowering will it be for humanity to both forgive ourselves for the mass events the cosmos triggers us into energetically expressing?  What if we found scientific understanding and measurement to the demands of the cosmos upon humanity and found ways to consciously and willingly supply our service to the whole without the disturbances of war, famine and pandemic?

Cosmonomics is a great journey from the death of innocence and the appearance of free will to cosmic service and the awareness of being a part of the living cosmos with power and responsibility.  Sounds like magic and mysticism to some and like the evolution of humanity to others.


Not Fully Here

