Not Fully Here

In today’s modern age with its hyper access and commitment to technologies that feed the mind, one might argue against bioadministration, a perfected power sharing of mind, heart and body.  The argument would give various reasons why the mind is the premiere organ within the body and deserves full control.  In short, a master-slave relationship.

After all, look at today’s collective mind, our government. It is perfectly ready and willing to roll out a fully digital currency with a master-slave level of coercion and control.  Whereas, bioadministration would argue for a freely circulating currency moving through the economic bloodstream that no mind had any power to restrict without also starving itself.  Or the mind might demand as master complete control of the police, military and judicial system with ever increasing ability to monitor and punish even minute reactions to mental ideologies.  Bioadministration argues for an immune system being under a completely separate method of control from the mind that is the greatest abuser of heart and body and whose excesses and mistakes are the greatest cause of death to the entire organism.

These arguments would fall on deaf ears for those humans completely possessed by their own minds because they are no longer fully embodied and see themselves as an avatar driver of a biological robot to be used for experiencing pain and pleasure.  Sounds like some authoritarian governments of the 20th century and the attitude of absolute monarchs of past towards their people.  Again a master-slave mentality.  To sell the idea of bioadministration as the ultimate power sharing compact and constitution of three sovereign powers is no easy task in today’s hyper mental world that so easily dismisses and abuses it’s sense and feeling centers.

I was once so mentally driven while being a CEO and building a company that I severely abused my own physical body and my emotional body was a whip in the hand of my mind to get whatever performance it desired without remorse or any other feedback mechanism to my mind.  I had my own internal master-slave relationship and it must have extended to my employees because they nicknamed me “The North Wind”.  To even be safe to be around my young children, my first duty upon returning home from daily economic warfare was one good toke from some excellent bud.  Daddy’s little helper. I was not fully there. Day or night.

So only now I am fully aware of the state of my full mental possession.  At least then, I could go to sleep for eight hours a night to escape from my own internal tyrant.  But with modern surveillance technology and the ever increasing tax burden to the state we are on the verge of a dystopian life as slaves to a governmental master mind.  How long will the next AI and robot empowered tyrant last?  We might all be praying for divine or alien intervention for the next few centuries.

One could imagine that bioadministration with its new justification for a unified political structure to be the wet dream of a mental psychopath ready to wield its power.  Actually it is an antidote to the ever increasing technological driven master-slave relationship.  I downloaded the idea while in a state of near perfect peace and harmony.  When the idea of using the human design for humanity popped into my head, my mind was finally “empty” from ten days of silent meditation and silent prayer while every cell in my body, heart and mind screamed yes in unison.

I could not conceive of a new blueprint for human organization until I had found all of myself first.  Talking about a reset or a reboot is all the rage from both the oligarchy and their detractors.  I conceived of an entire political campaign called Reboot 2000 as far back as 1996 that would have looked something like the COVID lockdown, except chosen and planned.  I envisioned a complete housecleaning for the new millennia with all repetitive and abusive coping mechanisms being stopped for six months, like a good night sleep for our culture to see what was still important in the morning.

Upon deeper reflection, I saw the main problems with my plan as what we found out during the COVID lockdowns.  One, the economy is an incredibly complex and somewhat fragile system that cannot be just turned off and then on again without unintended consequences.  Second, I  saw the opportunity for psychopathic manipulation within the vacuum of control during the rebooting process.  These issues could have been overcome then and during COVID, but really what I saw was the need for a rolling reboot with each human choosing the time and space for beginning.  Who was I to call for something en mass when I had not done the full process myself.

In 1997, after several weeks with the ayahuasceros in the Peruvian Amazon, I was fully aware of my own imbalance and needed to take my own reboot prescription first.  It was the second best decision of my life, after my choosing to become a father.  So I know what its like to not really be here, and, to wake up to that fact and then do something about it. 

Eventually we will all meet a crisis point from over commitment to a master-slave complex of mind dominating heart and body.  I pray my going first and planting a beacon of bioadministration as well as cosmonomics and citadelization will be of comfort and reassurance there is a zero point where everything makes sense and resolves into.  No matter how “not fully here” we are, there is an organization running in the background always ready for you to visit for a reboot.


Flash Mob


The Three Body Problem and Fine Motor Control