Flash Mob

Today we will continue upon the theme of contagion in the specialized case of flash mobs.  Although the core attraction to the spontaneous expression of human harmony in expressive action, i.e. flash mob, is based in cosmonomics with the zero point, what we will explore today is more categorized as citadelization.  The conscious and playful surrender of our sovereignty to unifying action is like catnip that requires the careful counterbalance of individuated self consciousness.

Team sports, marching bands and drill teams are attempts to emulate the true flash mob.  When truly spontaneous, a group of humans being directed by a greater force and purpose emulates what our own body, heart and mind manifests when they are surrendered to a coordinated artistic expression of their greater unified self.  In both a singular human and a group of humans there is this higher level of communication and consciousness which takes control and harmonizes separate lives into one.  It’s called Life Abundant or God Consciousness among other names.

The reason I call this unified action catnip and advise full consciousness is because a flash mob or any similar unconscious harmonization of humans, opens a dimensional doorway and the substance of harmony flows from higher to lower.  The Law of Freedom (see The New Code) describes the use of reconciling force (harmony) to change the active and passive forces.  Sometimes called doing magic.  A flash mob is generally an innocent leakage of reconciling force into humanity, but uses the same substance and law the higher forces use to control the lower and redirect Eternity.  And therefore the catnip reference as warning. If you don’t treat the most precious reservoir of power and control that humans suffer and die to create by its rules and protections then watch your ass get handed to you.

Sexual magic, especially when practiced as a group or a cult, is extremely hard to defend the self against because contagion and the laws of this reality are most open to humans in the act of procreation.  Without the creation of a new human as purpose, then the creative force generated during sexual intercourse is up for grabs. Earth’s model of creation, with this power of procreation available for human control and expression versus its potential for leakage in any direction, presents quite a challenge for the human design and experiment on Earth.

The baseline defense against triggering coordinated human action without higher authority and purpose is citadelization. The Tower of Babel could rightfully be seen as either an uncontrolled or purposeful release of excessive creative force that spun a coordinated group of humans off in every direction.  What the Devil cannot stop, he amplifies and explodes. Citadelization restored.

So here is the landscape.  Each of the three centers of a human, body, heart and mind must have their own unique power of yes and no while at the same time be coded with the ability of coordinated action for higher purpose and expression at a moments notice.  At the level of humanity, I chose the example of a flash mob to demonstrate the forces we humans are designed with and can employ unconsciously under higher order of expression.  A flash mob is a baby step on humanity’s return to One and is a teaching tool in its observed expression.

Contagion is designed into all living systems as the basis for unified action and control.  Citadelization is the counter force to mass contagion by a deeper self contagion.  When these two forces harmonize then there is a portal for the spontaneous action of higher forces.  In the Greek classics, human warriors were visited by the gods to turn the tide in battle.  A mother taps into another realm of power to lift a car off of her child.  Every elite athlete and stage performer knows when spirits posses them and their own mind is simply an observer recording the event.  The experience of being “touched by God” never really leaves and keeping the doorway open to restore the superpower once felt is the basis for most addiction.

What is my main point in bringing up this rare manifestation of a flash mob?  If you could remember your own childhood at play with other young children, it was a state of being like the rare case of the adult flash mob.  The playful balance of contagion and citadelization, together and separate is the safe space for God or a higher state to safely manifest in our world.  Children at play are dancing at this contagion/citadelization doorway to Eternity.

A civilization’s health can be measured by the contagion/citadelization dynamic. First, do the children have a safe container to open themselves to divine expression? Until what age? Do the adults live within a dynamic structure that can manifest spontaneous eruptions of harmony without invoking devilry or prohibition?  Do the leaders have the ability to gather a vortex of centripetal intelligence to open a portal to higher knowledge and true solution?  These are the real questions that lead to true dissolution of the diseases that kill whole civilizations.

Every threat to Life has solution. It’s just child’s play, when we get the contagion/citadelization dynamic in true partnership.


Snake Dance


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