Paradise Lost

The story of Adam and Eve in the bible describes the “original sin” that set the parameters and condition of human life on Earth.  You know it well.  Man and woman living in perfect harmony with each other and with the entire Garden of Earth.  There is some fruit of a special tree that can give a human a divided consciousness of good and evil whose knowledge will destroy the innocent harmony they were living within.  One bite and here we are today. One human cursed billions of lives and counting, according to the story.

There must be truth in the story as every human has flashes of harmony, even ecstasy, to remind us of our true nature and potential while every human also has a world full of sin that came and took our innocent childhood away.  To lay the blame for our being still stuck in a divided human condition upon Eve and then Adam, pretends there is no purpose outside of being punished by the structure of our modern world. A paradise lost. That story is one of disempowerment for both man and God. And I cannot buy it.

Every parent knows the painful replay of our own children suffering their own paradise lost as their joy filled, wondrous childhood gets inexorably consumed by modern culture.  Something so built into the fabric of every life on Earth cannot be simply one sin repeated endlessly.  Any God worthy of the name and responsibility would either have a hidden meaning and purpose for the “fall of man” or would have already figured a way to “make lemonade out of lemons”.  Humans are both broken and perfect.  Cosmonomics explains how.

A single celled organism could be considered perfect, undivided but also alone and of very limited ability. If I was that tiny limited cell and some “devil” came along and presented a deal where I could be one cell of trillions in a long lived super organism whose super consciousness and super capability of which I would share in for my entire life, I would say yes every time. Reconciliation into one song, the Uni-verse, is as primordial a force as gravity and light. I’m with Eve on this seductive journey of co-empowered exploration and discovery…and painful struggle to the end.

There’s a thin book written by J.G. Bennett called Hazard: The Risk of Realization in which he lays out the case that even God is under the law of consequence and therefore potential for failure and partial death by this human project.  Whether true or not, it persuasively argues that to gain any knowledge brings with it a potential for more ignorance.  For any reward, there must be risk involved.  God’s “ace in the hole” is Eternity, this embedded desire to risk realization and there being only one exit funneling into the zero point.

So whether we are talking about a single celled organism or God, we are all going to take that bite of the apple because life wants us to take that risk and has set the rules of the game where victory is the only outcome, as long as we keep playing the game and don’t give up for a lesser paradise.  Cosmonomics are the rules of the game and the limits of the game board which ensures co-empowerment whether you are an amoeba or a demigod.

We cannot pretend to know what world lives in Paradise on the other side of the zero point.  The angel with the fiery sword is said to guard the gate, so we cannot truly visit, but we can remember.  To have original sin means there must be an original memory that we have sinned against.  That original memory of Paradise is the zero point.  Memory is gravity. Sensation is anti-gravity. Life is the dance between the two.  When we can no longer attract enough sensation to remain alive, the original memory pulls us back home through the zero point.

Until then, we are in the state of knowing there is a Paradise we have lost.  Cosmonomics lays out the entire life cycle of Paradise’s division into opposites, the repelling of opposites, the attraction of opposites, the attraction of likes, the repelling of likes and the reconciliation of opposites back into Paradise.  We can become stuck upon a step but we must be somewhere upon the circle.

A circle with another dimension of space becomes a cylinder.  Add another dimension of time encompassing the moving human drama and its movement over time within the cylinder becomes a rotating vortex.  Place the original memory of Paradise as the attractive force at the center of the vortex and you have the invisible structure of the human heart and the mystery of love and its power to heal disease though reconciliation of any division back into the zero point.

So, yes, we are in a state called Paradise lost.  We are subject to the forces of attraction and repulsion, division and reconciliation to be a part of a greater organization that can create, store and wield discrete frequencies of energies the same way our own body and being can respond to external stimulus. It’s called being alive, thank Eve.  And there is only one destination, called Paradise, thank God.


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