Technology’s Counterpoint

Perhaps there is no other issue facing humanity of more danger or importance than how to remain a natural human in an exponentially increasing technological world.  There is a real and immediate issue of human purpose in a fully installed AI driven world.  Look back upon the integration of electricity and industrial machines into our world and the wars they empowered.  Can we survive a war whose action is so fast its decisions must be calculated and executed by autonomous computers?

What is the purpose of human warfare if the winner is a machine intelligence?  What is the purpose of knowledge if we can ask a more intelligent machine anything at no cost?  What is the purpose of human generated art, writing or even work if a machine can do anything faster and cheaper?  Humanity is on the verge of a great self inspection and re-evaluation of our human purpose because all the old stories and agreements and compulsions are up for grabs.  Will there still be a place for human hopes and dreams?

In the past, it was mass ideology infected into the human mind that acted like the AI programs being let loose on the world today.  Trial and error en mass. Groups of humans have lost their ethical way over and over to implanted ideas long before the invention of computers.  How did we respond back then?  War.  Death to the non believers.  The Devil as counter point.

Humanity has yet to figure out this problem of ideology, even before we reached the ability to build machines that could think for us. The modern age of AI, like the nuclear weapon age forced a re-inspection of war, will force humanity to face our easy seduction into mental judgment against other humans.  Will a computer care more or less than a human about human suffering and death? I would take the under on that bet if I thought I could collect on it.

So it seems our Creator and/or our deeper Self has humanity being herded into a narrow gate to receive its vaccination against ideological thinking.  Grace may be called forth as a machine (instead of human Nazis) destroying humans that will finally force humanity to face our own mental disease of ideology over an ethical life. Because, this time, we cannot avoid the fact that we created our own destroyer.  No Devil required. Just us.

Or, I propose an easier path.  We could simply look within our own body, heart and mind to see how our inner organization has found peace with ideology before we hand our world over to machine driven ideology’s guaranteed destruction.  Every ideology is simply a mental theory adopted for experimentation against a core set of ethics upon which humanity is founded.  Nearly every ideology fails before the reconciled human organism, unless it supports and enhances our life.  And earns its place in ethics and conscience.

Caring for our own off spring may have at one point been an ideology but the spiritual and personal growth that comes from the commitment to being a worthy parent enshrined a good and noble ideology into an ethical and an instinctual drive.  Capitalism, as compared to communism, has progressed much farther along the path from ideology to ethical behavior. Fair and free exchange of private property is highly ethical.  Forced sharing will never reach an ethical state .

The path to civilization always starts with a tribal ethics restored from the collapse of the last civilization killed by ideology. The growth of civilization occurs from the expansion of ethical agreement to larger and larger group of people.  The constitution of the United States with its Bill of Rights is the mass application of ethics yet to be rivaled in all known history and created the container for the most powerful nation on Earth. But can we withstand the epic mistakes technology driven ideology will undoubtable visit upon us? Not a chance. Look at COVID.

Human evolution has yet to and will never stray from the the ethical win-win relationship that is the human himself of trillions of individual cells in harmonious cooperation.  Yes, the human organism constantly perturbs itself to learn and grow precisely because of the ethical counterpoint that is ethical homeostasis.  Tribes and civilizations experiment too.  Life, at all levels, is a journey into an unknown land and requires our full attention.  It is natural to try on ideologies of thought to further our exploration and a portion of humanity gives that ideology its full attention and commitment.

So this current journey into the unknown of technological “progress” will need its advocates and will also need its counterpoint.  The advantages to the mind and government of technological empowerment must be countered with ethical application of technology atomized down to the level of empowerment to each cell of the body.  So far, the internet has been quite a race of empowerment between government and people and has proven to be a welcome war zone between ideology and ethics for human growth.

But the next level of AI advancement, will either atrophy the human mind or lead us into a non-human dystopia.  Unless, human organizations preemptively adopt the human counterpoint to technology.  I call this ethical human blueprint bioadministration, cosmonomics and citadelization.

Refining and reinforcing human ethics is the only safe way to counter technology’s march forward.  I continue to present and invite a human way forward as the only sustainable way to meet with the great unknown, including AI.


Paradise Lost


Bioadministration World Order II