Bioadministration World Order II

One way of testing a theory is to play out scenarios around the theory’s real-world application.  Today we will explore how our own political trinity of mind, heart and body pursue their agendas and compare these strategies to the current state of politics in Washington.  

Our mind is trained to organize and analyze mental inputs into an increased understanding of circumstance and is rewarded for this by dopamine release.  Our heart is the center of a toroidal field sending and receiving non-verbal communications seeking to order and harmonize both our inner and outer worlds moving from the most outer layers of disorder towards the zero point of pure love and union.  Our body loves the extremes of sleep and seated meditation when the mind and heart relax their hold upon sensation allowing each cell to individuate and our body also loves when physical integration is so all encompassing that mind and heart are completely absorbed into physical expression.

Moving up one level of human organization, our mind of government, believe it or not, wants its dopamine hit from simply accomplishing its job and being acknowledged for it.  Our collective heart, the soul of a nation, wants to live in a state of reverence and wonder like a parent watching over their child at play, a lesser octave of how we imagine our Creator feels when humanity is at peace.  Our body of people wants to feel a part of a greater organization with the cells in the mind and heart remaining a co-creative team of all actions.  All three centers at peak in alignment is our target world order.

Hopefully, everyone knows what their own peak performance feels like when mind, heart and body are in perfect unity and harmony.  We might have some memory of when our country was in unified action, which unfortunately will be rare and in response to attacks like Pearl Harbor or 9/11 or in response to a natural disaster.  The idea that any non-emergency, systemic problem within our culture could bring the highest expression of our collective mind, heart and body together today is a fantasy. Comparing the ideal of human potential to the current state of humanity’s potential is beyond the Grand Canyon in separation. So what to do?

Every reconciliation into a higher level of organization starts with the heart center, in this case, the people and their government surrendering their opposition to a higher purpose.  Wars and disasters force a reconciliation of purpose toward survival and politicians have used these events to awaken and revive an organization.  The same principle works for health and well-being if the heart and soul of the nation are strong enough.  Presidents like JFK and Reagan spoke from and for the soul of their nation to positive effect.  It is hard to imagine any figure who could speak for our nation’s soul today until the pain of circumstance first forces a desperation for solution.  This has proven throughout history to be a very dangerous path.

In theory, our minds can learn from mistakes and positive reinforcement.  Ethical behavior can be re-established but usually takes a close encounter with abject failure or even death for a mature mind or culture to do deep self-inspection.  Routine elections are our attempt to emulate our own human ability to put the mind to sleep for a reboot and refresh.  But money, ego and influence in service to advocates of ideologies have made our elected representatives captured vessels.  And our administrative state has become nearly a cancer that exists simply to exist.  To believe that our government will reform itself is delusional.

This leaves the people to respond to the dysfunction within the human organization.  This means illness to expel the dis-ease or a forced reset through withdrawal of support.  Ideologies that have infected the heart and mind must be abandoned or starved by the simple needs of survival.  The reformation of smaller tribal units of co-empowerment will naturally take over for the collapsing mind of the state and soul of the nation.

If we circle back to the beginning of our short study, we see how the simplification of life into small units empowers the mind, the heart and the body back to manageable challenges that can restore harmonious action.  The overwhelming national problems are swept away in collapse (sleep) and the ethics that arise from humans in close interaction for thriving beyond mere survival rebuild trust (soul) within a win-win network of humans. 

The world order we live with today is that of the rise and fall of nations.  Sometimes there might be several generations of effective organization of a large geography of humans before mental or emotional maladministration sets in.  Whereas in the human body, 240 generations of red blood cells serve their host before their organization expires.  Taken up one level with bioadministration, a proper functioning ethical human organization should also live for 240 generations or 4,800 years.

Bioadministration will be a long, hard road of integration into the structure of human organization on Earth.  But if we can see there is the potential for the inner harmony of a satisfied human to be externalized for a civilization lasting five millennia then there is something the mind, the heart and the body can all support.  

We have ridden the rise and fall of nations long enough to see another re-atomization and conflict to crown another authoritarian leader on the horizon.  I, for one, am ready this time to instead apply the one proven ethical win-win structure tested and evolved to maximize life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  A bioadministration world order.


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