The Asbury Revival

Recently a spontaneous vortex around the zero point opened in Kentucky.  A long established spiritual vortex based upon Christianity and its teaching to young people, Asbury College, had its drain plug pulled.  A spiritual tornado planted itself in the Asbury chapel for two weeks and was an excellent example of the power of cosmonomics to harmonize Man and Cosmos with the power and force of human forgiveness, love and reconciliation.

Reconciliation is often thought of as a human’s choice.  But the Aztec priests gave their supplicants of human sacrifice no choice although there were stories of spontaneous mass sacrifices when the local vortex of reconciliation “went cosmic” consuming thousands of willing human sacrifices in an uncontrolled recapitulation event.  Every human death is a forced reconciliation of life’s contradictions when our personal plug to the zero point is pulled.  Control over this dimensional doorway is a very deep study.  (For a primer, see my essay titled The Weapon of Mass Reconciliation)

We know gravity as an attractive force.  We know light as a radiating force.  It is time to discover reconciliation as a force acting upon mankind and events like the spontaneous vortex in Kentucky can teach us much.  Remember in cosmonomics we learn the force of division allows unreconciled contradictions to lie charged within the tissues of our body, heart and mind, locked and loaded.  And throughout life we will harvest small divisions to restore harmony to family and tribe. One day our governments will learn to use these cosmic principals too.  A complete spiritual journey attempts to harvest all contradictions before death to live truly free.  And sometimes the cosmos comes a calling for a surge of reconciling force.  Humanity must respond.

The Asbury revival was a master class in spontaneous manifestation of what Christians call the Holy Spirit to harvest human division for the homeostasis of the cosmos.  It is no accident that the Christian church states plainly the biggest sin is to cross the Holy Spirit when It shows up in your life.  Why the Holy Spirit? And not the Father or the Son?  The Father is the law.  The Son is the inspiration.  But the Holy Spirit is the living manifestation of law and inspiration.  When the Holy Spirit started the mysterious, magical movement within Asbury we are talking about the catalyst of catalysts.  The dream that saw the mustard seed moving the mountain.

Cosmonomics teaches us how the reconciliation of previous divisions through chosen or forced reconciliations creates catalyzing compounds for the harmonizing of the solar body.  At a purely chemical level our human liver has well over 500 unique transmutations for the maintenance of life.  At an energetic level our human heart and emotional body has a near infinite number of energetic situations it must resolve moment to moment to keep a family, a tribe or a corporation together that our mind can only write after action stories about.  These energetic transmutations are happening at such a clock speed that our minds are only responding to the impulses of our own internal Holy Spirit.  Therefore, the stern warning to the mind to stay out of Spirit’s way.

Our own liver and heart work at a molecular level, chemically and electrically to maintain a homeostasis we can barely comprehend scientifically.  One level up, humanity must respond (again nearly unconsciously) to a similar need of adjustment for the greater body of life we live inside.  That “something” which externally catalyses humanity to act, triggering its own internal catalysts is what the Christians call the Holy Spirit.  A second order mystery whose triggering of humanity must not be “sinned “ against.

What makes Asbury so important a vortex, compared to a football game, a rock concert or even a mega church service is the level of reconciliation versus just emotional expression.  Most of human life is like mining unrefined ore containing flecks of gold.  As human interaction become more personal and more attracted to the vortex of love surrounding the zero point is like the refining of gold with the impurities being reduced (reconciled) in the smelting process.  When the tangible essence of the Holy Spirit shows up to put Its refiner’s mark upon the .9999 pure gold, this is usually done in the afterlife refinement.  When the Holy Spirit shows up en mass in broad daylight, it is an special opportunity for humanity to see and touch their cosmic purpose.

I have worked for nearly thirty years to revive the indigenous practices of small tribes using ritual cleansing and refinement by invoking the Holy Spirit in preparation for the mass spiritual initiation which accompanies any civilizational reboot.  Events like Asbury are a “sign of the times” when human confusion and contradiction becomes so mentally and emotionally  debilitating like the constriction of the birth canal forcing a new level of being to be born.

We remember there is an order to life and the cosmos of which we are a small, but vital part.  This force, some have named the Holy Spirit, is the will to live of the greater being we are all cells within. Resistance is more than futile, it is dead to Eternity.


Bioadministration World Order II


Beneficial Division