Beneficial Division

There are many different strategies life uses to be more resilient and able to respond to external stimuli.  Today we will discuss division. Atomizing an organization as large and as capable as a human into trillions of individual cells with every cell needing food, oxygen, waste, chemical signaling and neural communication is a complexity of design that must have purpose.  Why keep a six foot tall human divided into microscopic pieces?

You may say we were not divided but assembled from single cells. But division has remained as a fact that must optimize the organization or nature had plenty of time to reorganize into much larger cells.  Why not?  And why make a complex organization of trillions of individual life forms so dependent upon coordinated action to survive? But that answer is for another post.

The surface area of internal cell walls to keep every cell an independent entity is a massive use of limited resource.  Two cells living side by side within the same muscle or organ with the same DNA doing the same work being signaled at the same time still maintain a cell wall between them forever.  To remain divided into individual citadels is nature’s perfect design and therefore must be a beneficial division.

Communism, whether empires or hippie communes, attempted to gather their human organization into a similar relationship of group action free of internal conflict arising from personal need or expression. One side approached unity by freely culling all dissonance and the other approached unity by having no boundaries. Neither worked, even though they were arguably an attempt at harmony via bioadministration, because their assimilation was not counter balanced by citadelization.

It is generally thought amongst the spiritually minded that reconciliation into one mind, one heart and one body is the goal.  No more war and everyone works and shares their abundance.  But look at human history.  Every accumulation of hopeful reconcilers into larger and larger organizations are always taken over by psychopathic individualists as a kind of cosmic punishment for going against beneficial division.

We put the name of Devil, El Diablo, the divider upon Hitler, Stalin and Mao because they were the ultimate weapon of division sent to teach humanity that abandoning your personal self to a collective self never works for long. When we each practice beneficial division of self consciousness on a personal level then there is no possibility for a greater manifestation of Division to arise.

I have stated several times soon after I had the epiphany of bioadministration, I recoiled at its implications for humanity by the empowerment of mental and governmental systems and their justifications for unilateral action. It took me years, decades to paint the full picture of a new harmonious civilizational structure that kept the mind in its perfect service and balance with our heart and body as a co-empowered trio.

The mind and the heart are empowered with the ability to capture and use the entire human organization for many valid reasons.  The body can masterfully coordinate its actions in work and play.  But none of this ability to organize and act universally is a safe or a long lived strategy unless there is a counterbalancing ability to say no, feel pain, get exhausted or go to sleep.  Both attention in the mind and emotional expression from the heart require trillions of cells donating their life force to manifest with any power. Some force must be able to pull the plug upon abusive and ill advised actions.

The human organism’s empowerment via the focus of our life force into mental, emotional and physical activity is a major benefit to the human design.  And this power must have the counterpoint of beneficial division into trillions of individual self conscious lives to agree or disagree with group action. When will humans wake up to the fact there is no organized power we do not feed?  Yes, churches and states build standing waves of action by habit and harvest of human attention but it is still we the people as the power source that have the ultimate say over any accumulation of power or action.

Perhaps the 20th century could be seen as the Devil’s century.  We went to world war led by devils we agreed to empower and we invented mass transit, mass communication and mass events to collectivize our actions.  At the same time the empowerment of the self by study, exploration and expression was also unprecedented in human history.  Did we learn our lessons well?

The entire scale of division from beneficial division enforced by trillions of single cells to the enforced Devil’s pitchfork to give us painful lessons is a spectrum humanity will need to continue to demystify as we face technology’s drive and ability to centralize authority.  I guarantee an Anti-Christ will show up to rub our human faces into another stinky lesson if we again attempt to abandon beneficial division for some technological utopia.

Becoming conscious of the human power of division and reconciliation is our master work both inside and outside. To be continued…


The Asbury Revival


The Cancer Problem