Citadelization David Beilharz Citadelization David Beilharz

Soul, Ego and Citadel

If we look at nature on Earth as an ongoing experiment with many trials and many failed attempts, then we might learn something important about being human and what the cosmos needs of us.  Cosmonomics and bioadministration go a long way in theorizing our human purpose for the cosmos from the navigational fix of the intersection of instinct, history, logic and revelation.  Can we add another line of reasoning tied to the observation of nature’s experimentation with life on Earth and the apparent desire to keep humanity citadelized?

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Citadelization David Beilharz Citadelization David Beilharz

Beneficial Division

There are many different strategies life uses to be more resilient and able to respond to external stimuli.  Today we will discuss division. Atomizing an organization as large and as capable as a human into trillions of individual cells with every cell needing food, oxygen, waste, chemical signaling and neural communication is a complexity of design that must have purpose.  Why keep a six foot tall human divided into microscopic pieces?

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Citadelization David Beilharz Citadelization David Beilharz

The Heart Citadel III

For all our science and our experts in white coats, the human heart, its operation, and its function remain mysteriously hidden. Everyone knows the heart is a pump except when disease causes the heart valves to misfire the direction of the blood flow remains one-directional against the laws of physics. Perhaps this is because of the vortex (zero point) created in the left ventricle which remains strangely unexplored.

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Citadelization David Beilharz Citadelization David Beilharz

The Heart Citadel

Our mind is a force that requires serious strategies of counterbalance and limitation.  Sleep is the most obvious and routine bodily process we use to break harmful patterns of excess and abuse.  Today we are going to discuss how our bodies create what is commonly known as our ego as a defensive perimeter around our heart to prevent the mind’s easy access to our stores of emotional and physical energy.  The heart citadel.

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Citadelization David Beilharz Citadelization David Beilharz

Cults Versus Citadelization

A cult is an alternative belief system which requires isolation from the greater organism within which the cult exists because its internal logic, practices and rules cannot be defended in the light of day and by consensus reality. Whereas citadelization is the practice of creating separation from the consensus reality because of the danger of being the next lemming walking off a cliff led by a culture in terminal decline.

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Citadelization David Beilharz Citadelization David Beilharz

The Citadelization Instinct

I was born on the Fourth of July to a woman born on Bastille Day.  Let’s just say I have my share of inbred independence.  Many of my good friends say I have an abundance of self-respect when kind and that I’m an egotistical XXXX when in a verbal fight. I received an epiphany from some level of the spirit world about bioadministration and waited 20 years to back it publicly because I had yet to see how to counteract what could be an oppressive organization of control…with citadelization.  I had to finish my own internal journey into harmony between individualism and collectivism, bioadministration and citadelization, before I would pry my own security blanket of robust independence from my clutching hands.

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Citadelization David Beilharz Citadelization David Beilharz

Citadelization of Our Brain III

In part I and part II there were many questions asked and logical assertions designed to help us awaken to and explore the filter mechanism that is the human brain.  Like our body’s immune system defends self from non-self, our heart and our mind have their own immune system which has yet to be explored except as a few purely psychological concepts.  A conspiracy theorist might conclude that we do not study the minds defense mechanism because the “powers that be” want exclusive understanding and use of the doorways of perception to implant certain ideas while keeping humans defenseless to intrusion.

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Citadelization David Beilharz Citadelization David Beilharz

Citadelization of Our Brain II

Part I of our dive into revealing the mystery of citadelization involved recognizing our brain as a filter and a protector for the greater mind and also seeing how this concept applies above and below for comparison and verification.  In part II we will explore our own immune system, which is headquartered in the gut, and how its layered defense of the body is mirrored in our brain/heart/mind matrix.  As above, so below also applies to within the body heart mind complex of a single human being. Our body has an immune system.  Our heart has an immune system. And our mind has an immune system.  Exploring what we know of our own immune system’s organization to protect self from non-self at the level of the physical body can inform how our mind/brain partnership is structured and how citadelization applies.

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Citadelization, Bioadministration David Beilharz Citadelization, Bioadministration David Beilharz

The Liver as a Citadel within Bioadministration

Of all the cell types and cell groupings in the human body nothing compares to the mystery of the citadel called the liver.  Yes, the brain is a citadel and pretty cool too, if power hungry.  And so is the real function of our heart and its fine sensitivity.  But a single liver cell is the most sophisticated chemical factory that can produce over 500 chemical functions and transmutations and still fits inside the hollow of a single human hair. 

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