Citadelization of Our Brain II

Part I of our dive into revealing the mystery of citadelization involved recognizing our brain as a filter and a protector for the greater mind and also seeing how this concept applies above and below for comparison and verification.  In part II we will explore our own immune system, which is headquartered in the gut, and how its layered defense of the body is mirrored in our brain/heart/mind matrix.  As above, so below also applies to within the body heart mind complex of a single human being. Our body has an immune system.  Our heart has an immune system. And our mind has an immune system.  Exploring what we know of our own immune system’s organization to protect self from non-self at the level of the physical body can inform how our mind/brain partnership is structured and how citadelization applies.

First, remember why our physical immune system is about 75% focused and housed around the gut lining.  Although we cannot see inside of our gut when we look in the mirror, everything we have eaten residing in our stomach, in our small intestines and in our large intestines is still residing outside of our self.  Our bodies invest tremendous energy and precious substances to prepare food we have eaten for easier assimilation inside of this digestive tract while still outside of the self.  Only after masticating, acidification and buffering, enzymatic transmutation does absorption begin.  At that point, the gatekeepers of the body, our immune system, stand at the doorway of each villi to inspect all who enter like the screening process to board an airline.

Before we dive any deeper into the body’s immune system, we must admit our bodies have created a citadel to protect our physical self. Now ask yourself, “how alien are these physical intruders called viruses and bacteria?”  These rarely fall from the sky and are therefore indigenous to our Earth.  We have six billion or more beneficial bacteria which assist our immune system in protecting against non-self.  So how hard is it to imagine what system of defense we humans, our minds and our planet need for all the non-self which is falling out of the sky for a planet sailing thru outer space?  Does our own mind have a mirroring defense system for digesting and assimilating memorized sensations from across the universe? Does our Earth?

Even deeper, we must ask “Does Earth assimilate foreign matter and energy? Does Earth eat?”.  Earth is alive and growing by harvesting memorized sensations. The Earth is expanding. We have continental drift, which is better understood as stretching apart via growth.  The dinosaur physiology and size is only possible with less gravity.  Less mass, less gravity.  So, yes. We can say our Earth is growing by assimilation.  And we humans must play a part in the assimilation because Earth is not being bombarded by matter enough to explain our expanding planet.  We humans must be transducers of invisible memories and sensations into physical matter.

We have little question our bodies, via our digestive tract, are breaking down memory into sensation within our gut. But can we also say that our brains are doing the opposite?  Are our brains able to assemble sensations with varying levels of memory attached into pure memory?

Ever tried to interact with a politician or a movie star?  

The “sun” of their mind burns up all lesser ideas about who they are and their egos feed the on those memorized sensations.  Their brains have voices in their ears of how great and important they are and voices to counteract every lesser thought about themselves.  We all do this to some level and degree.  The more fuel for our internal sun, the more radiant the plasma shell and the greater our aura masters our surroundings.  Just eating more physical food does little for our “power”.  True power and force to act come from the mind and heart.  If you were creating a functioning organization on Earth, would you focus more or less protective force and energy around the body, the heart or the mind?

I am using logic here to infer what must be true, if rarely know or explored.  There is no question anymore that the human immune system is incredibly complex and powerful at defending our bodies from our own womb of Earth.  How much of an immune system must we have to protect our own minds and the mind of our Earth from foreign intrusion?  It is well know that solar cycles  of intensity and quiet affect how many cosmic rays penetrate the solar system.  And the currently weakening magnetic field of Earth is directly connected to how many cosmic rays are getting past our magnetic force field and falling upon the sensitive layers of Earth’s brain, humans, making us “confused”. 

How many scientists are exploring the sinus system around our brain and where all that snot comes from? The few that get funding never explore the psychic immune system and how it acts to bring the energetic “the food of impressions” into the physical world for assimilation of alien energies bombarding our planet without pause.  Mass psychosis is a real thing. Mob rule is to be defended against, with citadelization.  The progress brought by western civilization and its ethos of freedom and creativity was divinely inspired to counteract the rule of the mob and the organizing of men into armies of destruction.

Your mind and your heart have an immune system built upon individualization and citidelization.  Memorized sensation from personal experiences are the building blocks of ego and individuation.  Becoming conscious and aware of the permission systems built around your mind and heart to protect you as a child is the master work of human life.  Don’t dissolve your ego.  Let people in who prove worthy.  Don’t fill your brain with facts.  Seek to understand the labyrinth you yourself created to test the outer world.  Only then can you start consciously changing the immune system you unconsciously built from your own experience.

God watches everything.  How much judgment is applied depends on how close to the throne the thing approaches.  God has risked much to learn something new while never forgetting I AM.  There’s no wiser path.

There are many questions here…and along the way. I really don’t care to prove anything to my reader. This is just a wake up call to your own mind.  This is not a game of follow the leader.  This is citadelization.


Human Conscience, God’s Scar Tissue


The American Matriarchy