Citadelization David Beilharz Citadelization David Beilharz

Citadelization of Our Brain III

In part I and part II there were many questions asked and logical assertions designed to help us awaken to and explore the filter mechanism that is the human brain.  Like our body’s immune system defends self from non-self, our heart and our mind have their own immune system which has yet to be explored except as a few purely psychological concepts.  A conspiracy theorist might conclude that we do not study the minds defense mechanism because the “powers that be” want exclusive understanding and use of the doorways of perception to implant certain ideas while keeping humans defenseless to intrusion.

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Citadelization David Beilharz Citadelization David Beilharz

Citadelization of Our Brain II

Part I of our dive into revealing the mystery of citadelization involved recognizing our brain as a filter and a protector for the greater mind and also seeing how this concept applies above and below for comparison and verification.  In part II we will explore our own immune system, which is headquartered in the gut, and how its layered defense of the body is mirrored in our brain/heart/mind matrix.  As above, so below also applies to within the body heart mind complex of a single human being. Our body has an immune system.  Our heart has an immune system. And our mind has an immune system.  Exploring what we know of our own immune system’s organization to protect self from non-self at the level of the physical body can inform how our mind/brain partnership is structured and how citadelization applies.

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Citadelization David Beilharz Citadelization David Beilharz

Citadelization of the Brain

Today’s topic is designed to reveal how important and widespread the concept and strategy of citadelization is as applied throughout our body and to our greater external reality. Even within our brains.  It is said we only use 10% of our brain’s capacity.  What is the other 90% doing? It’s interesting that our best science also says 90% of our DNA is ‘junk’  or unused and 90% of our universe’s mass is claimed to be ‘dark’ matter we cannot find.  So, if I am attacked for my conclusion of what’s happening in the unexplained or unexplored 90% of our gray matter, then remember my theorizing is in Nobel laureate company but without the billions in funding.

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