Citadelization of Our Brain III

In part I and part II there were many questions asked and logical assertions designed to help us awaken to and explore the filter mechanism that is the human brain.  Like our body’s immune system defends self from non-self, our heart and our mind have their own immune system which has yet to be explored except as a few purely psychological concepts.  A conspiracy theorist might conclude that we do not study the minds defense mechanism because the “powers that be” want exclusive understanding and use of the doorways of perception to implant certain ideas while keeping humans defenseless to intrusion.

In part III we will wrap up our initial exploration and cultivation of the ideas of citadelization with the concept our brains use of memorized sensations as gatekeepers of our own personal citadel, our mind. We will also explore how our brains can get their own auto-immune disease where these self-created defenders start attacking the self.  A pandemic of a new virus must be fought off by each individual human and then owning the victory by sending the troops of the immune system back to the barracks for normal life to return.  Am I talking about a physical virus or a mind virus?  Both.

With a physical virus or bacteria, a single white blood cell must confront the foreign intruder, find the vibration that neutralizes the invader and therefore create the memory of the victory, called an anti-body, the body can reproduce at will when necessary.  Now imagine you are playing on the playground at recess and a bully calls you fat or ugly or weak.  These are diseased ideas being presented as invaders into your consciousness.  If you are completely defenseless in the brain then these ideas run straight into the throne room of the heart and infect the deeper emotional level.  Who you gonna call? To get un-ghosted?

The analogy for the white blood cell becoming an anti-body within the brain is what we call memorized sensation.  One is a physical cell that creates a memory or template for future use while the other is a mental script created to counteract the perceived threat to our self.  When we are young and more vulnerable to mental intrusion then the emotional body and its immune system is triggered also.  The memorized sensation becomes more than just a mental script it is also a container for the emotional power coded into the memory to make it powerful enough to reject the idea from the self.  Ghost-busted!

Each blockage we erect within the brain as we mature becomes our personality.  And each of those mental blockages generally has a deeper emotional component added to the ego wall around the heart.  These are not ‘bad” creations. They are our natural strategy we call citadelization of our self to allow for distinction, individuation and exploration.  Where our internal creations become “bad” is when our defenders take on a life of their own and forget why they were created in the first place.  Think auto-immune disease the self.  Who does not have voices in your head that are critical and even abusive of the inner child?

Now see the auto-immune response on a greater level of human organization. How often has the internal security (Homeland Security today or the Pretorian Guard in ancient Rome) become the true ruler of the kingdom for the express purpose of its own self-preservation and control?  The internal defense mechanisms become so institutionalized that power invested within a group for wellness and defense becomes a cancerous tumor. it is so common in the history of civilization as to be considered a quintessential misstep that triggers the downfall.

I was one of the first members of “the all volunteer military” in 1980 as a response to the rejection of the military draft arising out of the Vietnam War experience.  It seemed like a good idea and a victory at the time. But once you create a professional military and a standing army and give it benefits like health care and housing and lifetime pensions for twenty years service then the group that is supposed to be powerful in protection of the whole gravitates to protection of the cadre for its own nourishment and enhancement.  As Rome started to lose its power,  the legions started attacking the people it was designed to protect because the pensions were no longer being paid from Rome.

Now think about the identity politics of the last generation or two.  How often has citadelization defense been broken down and collectivized into groups of “common interest”.  The common grievances of race, gender and sexual orientation have been used to circumvent the individualized citizen and their personal citadel to gain political power.  Generations before today’s stimulated divisions and even wars between labor and capital. The more we allow ourselves to be organized into groups of group interest to supposedly gain personal power, and break down citadelization, the juicier target our group becomes for manipulation against the whole or, if powerful enough, to threaten the whole organization. 

Now back to our core subject of the citadelization of our brains as a method of defense.  The bible story of the Tower of Babel is always told from the viewpoint of the inappropriate organization of humanity by a power-hungry king of a group of humans trying to build their way to heaven out of stone.  Is this analysis correct or too simplistic? The quote “We must confuse their speech, for there is nothing they cannot do” is so pregnant with meaning.  Who is We?  Is the confusion, babel and therefore citadelization a defensive strategy or a punishment to keep us weak?  Is the universe friendly?  Like our own immune system, there are two edges to the sword. A good thing generally becomes too good and a bad thing is our greatest teacher and catalyst to change.

Maybe the first story from the Bible about the knowledge of good and evil as a protection of limited knowledge becoming our curse is humanity’s core journey to overcome. There are undoubtedly mysteries and places in the universe we humans are not ready to know or touch. But, because by choice or by curse our human potential is designed to be a major step on the pathway of the return of God to One,  there must be regulation of division and reconciliation for our own safety and security.  We need help. Sometimes limits. Sometimes a push.

I am doing my best to reveal a balanced state of being with bioadministration, cosmonomics and citadelization.  Humans on Earth are ruled by a set of laws which manage the expression of life by division and reconciliation for a purpose we cannot understand any better than our liver knows what is on the plate in front of us about to be consumed.  But an integrated organization with sufficient attention and without prejudgment can see, hear, smell, touch and taste what our “God” is about to do in the moment and get onboard.

Instead of being critical of the divided and fractured nature among humanity or being enamored with utopian dreams of oneness, how about we observe what we already are and how we interact without prejudgment. Maybe the organization we are all within is perfectly balanced in each moment.  Remember with citadelization, Each voice in our head and each ego brick in the wall around our heart was our own creation for a purpose.  We have seen our demons, and they are us. We have met our savior and we are it.  

How elegant is the design of our separation and our return to wholeness?  I invite you with each blog post to awaken your wonder and to an understanding of the rules of the game called life on Earth.


Memory and Sensation


Imposition Versus Invitation