Imposition Versus Invitation

Our world has been run under a patriarchy of imposition for millennia whether by the church or the state.  In the last blog post on bioadministration, I revealed my old theory of placing females in charge of the patriarchy as a way to birth the world patriarchy out into the open and out of Washington D.C.  Europe is essentially ruled by women and there is no democracy left, only new and emotionally driven excuses for imposing the order of the state upon the people.  And now we have humanity’s latest experience of Covid-19 as a literal weapon of imposed control, which irrefutably demonstrates an open war upon the free soul of humanity and representative democracy’s dying gasp of leadership through invitation.  The hour is very late.

It is a very legitimate question of whether the human soul can survive the imposition of patriarchy’s control once artificial intelligence, digital currency, blanket surveillance, and autonomous machine law enforcement are perfected.  Already the current trend in capitalism, supposedly married to free enterprise, is increasingly funding totalitarianism and fascist regimes as the best return on capital through labor’s slavery.  Megacorporations are less interested in inviting customers than capturing the legal authority of the state to demand brand loyalty through monopolization and regulation. The hour is very late.  And yet…

The patriarchy has been so good at inventing the next system of imposition, with the latest being the content control of social media and vibrational mind control techniques, that they have completely forgotten the feminine power upon which the entire edifice of life is built…sensations.  Being stuck in our heads imposing its chosen order upon heart and body works for at most 24 hours before the sensations the mind needs to operate cease. The invitation to sleep is irresistible. Days and weeks of imposing mental control over heart and body lead to an increasingly irresistible invitation of illness sensations to incapacitate the mind for extended periods of time.  And finally, when the patience of the feminine invitation through the control of sensations is exhausted then the dark and dangerous sensations of invitation on a mass scale arise.

Sensations from our Earth mother we feel as life, are also a mirror and a biofeedback mechanism.  Ever greater imposition of order brings cosmic level imposition of corrective action through war, weather, and other biosphere disturbances.  Ever greater invitation to order brings creative cosmic level solutions through invention and innovation, surprise, and wonder. These last statements are observable facts in our own lifetimes.  And yet, we have been wedded to imposition versus invitation.  The masculine versus the feminine strategy.

With bioadministration, we are always using as above, so below logic of looking at different levels of human organization to give us those guideposts and laws.  Our hearts and bodies seem to have infinite patience with our minds’ need for exploration and experience. This patience with the human brain is greatly enhanced because the brain has an off switch called sleep. Likewise, humans have given great leeway for the collective mind of a country, our governments, to explore new strategies to assemble and facilitate a greater expression of life. The off switch for the governmental mind has been attempted through movement to open land and through representative democracy.  Failing those, we have always gone to some sort of death experience for the government or for the people. 

Is it possible for a very large family to embody the wisdom of the healthy single family to have a diversity of gene pool, diversity of opinion, and a diversity of leadership based on mission?  Of course, it is possible.  But once a lack of diversity is institutionalized then only with a powerful disturbance, like a near-death experience, can a more holistic structure be re-established.  The tribal structure used wise elders to impose wise solutions and shamans to administer sometimes terrifying fear and futuristic visions to correct the single-member.  And expulsion from the tribe was used as a last resort due to it being essentially a death sentence.

Whether by ignorance or evil design modern governments solve no problems because problems are the mother of all continuing justified actions.  Solutions diminish governmental authority, problems enhance it.  Minds do the same thing.  They are experts at creating issues and justification of actions whether effective or not. And our minds recruit our heart’s emotions to strengthen our justifications when challenged.  How many nights do we finally surrender to sleep repeating the same emotionally charged script about some human interaction that day?  How much better is the perspective in the morning light?  If the body cannot ground it out,  then the whole pattern of life can change.

We the people have a solemn duty to restrain our government and our collective mind from obsession and excess just as we must do to our own minds. We must seal off our emotional juice from manipulation and recognize that our minds, by nature, need training and supervision or they will become the worst sort of child tyrant.  The most compassionate and effective way as expressed in our own lives is to invite our government free reign to explore new ideas while also inviting regular and full systemic reboots.  

Freedom cannot be imposed. It must be invited to flourish. But sleep can be imposed if only to counteract an imposing mind threatening the entire organism.  Governments will grow up someday and choose periodic rest instead of death.  Revolution and suicide are the saddest forms of self-harm because both fully engage the heart in a war where only the heart can make peace….and it fails. 


Citadelization of Our Brain III


Human Conscience, God’s Scar Tissue