Human Conscience, God’s Scar Tissue

The cosmonomic and bioadministration view of scar tissue is a persistent, visible form of what we call memorized sensation.  The human body replaces nearly every cell within a year’s time and yet we often have scars lasting thru many cycles of re-creation of the memory of a significantly wounding event.  To what purpose?

When we train animals, and sometimes children, we use extremely memorable events from loud voices to painful blows to make sure our charges are charged with a significant enough memory and sensation to create a lasting lesson encoded within the encasing memorized sensation. How is God different from humans in applying lasting lessons and memories? None. God invented this method we humans use.  The highest memory is the memory of God before the One divided Itself into zillions and zillions of pieces via the Big Bang.  Big Memory and mega-Sensation divided in two. The Ultimate Scar.

If you are going to ever find your way back home from anywhere and as anything in the universe there has to be a pathway home from everywhere. Even for God. Especially for God.  Where would you hide the most important memory in the entire universe?  I remember in one of my very first shamanic dose mushroom journeys in a sacred circle I was so concerned I would lose my ego I wrote my name inside my underwear.  God’s so much wiser and trickier.

What we all know inside of us as the deepest part of us who knows right from wrong is called our conscience.  Many spiritual seekers are striving for God consciousness and completely overlook their own conscience.  Why? Because it is wrapped up inside our biggest wound layered in exquisite pain…the memorized sensation of where we were torn from God.  Our most persistent scar is the divine wounding.  Separation from God. The Memory of God.  Our conscience is our way home from now until the end of time.

It is said in the bible the sins of the father are visited upon the next seven generations.  I remember in raising my own four children while also on my own spiritual awakening I would catch myself in a heated energetic exchange passing my ‘sins’ on to my children.  Ouch. There was one time I was laying in a hammock in the middle of the Peruvian amazon and doing some high energy healing work facing my own personal ‘King of the Demons’ who tried to escape through my own heart into my young son’s body four thousand miles away. That was a wrestling match with serious consequences.

So, if we do not do our own soul’s work to re-member God, especially all the freshest wounds from our own childhood and adulthood, then, yes, we will pass those wounds on to other, freshly minted humans.  That path is away from God and towards an expanding universe, an expanding empire, and expanding corporations.  The problem with most large human organizations is they are disconnected from conscience and are collectively ‘lost souls’ or ‘hungry ghosts’.  

No judgment. If God loves humans then God must love to explore by the experience of ignorance, or better said, ignoring conscience.  God loves surprises and is willing to risk being dismembered thru eternity to find the newest expression of Itself, if, the game is rigged in advance. And, even if, He forgets that He rigged the ending Himself.  God’s ace in the hole is what we call conscience.  The original wound.

The scar tissue of the original wound of being separate from God can only be dissolved with the re-membering of God as One.  That’s God’s way home and it is installed in each human as the perfect feedback mechanism to point us in the right direction no matter where we are and what condition we are in….when we are ready to listen to that quiet voice within.

The elegant and terrifying nature of life on Earth as a human is to be God in potential, if millions of year to travel yet, while at the same time being a fractured soul used to store the wounds God needs to find His way home after the ultimate road trip and being milked on demand all along the way while enlisting fresh human souls to leave their divine innocence to play along.  It’s all too much…we just keep running away from home into an expanding universe….until we finally become desperate enough or wise enough to ‘let your conscience be your guide’.  

Then our wounds become our gifts.  As we draw closer and closer to home the memories of the journey become enshrined and ensconced within our eternal soul.  We become at peace with how the world is or become warriors of peace when there is disturbance only for disturbances sake.  The return to God is a long road of lesser and lesser gods becoming greater and greater God.  Therefore, struggle and testing is the nature of the way home, like a salmon must swim upstream to return to its origin.   And as long as we are connected to conscience along the way, then whatever lesser gods show up you have your handy home test kit (conscience) for anything you might encounter.

If, along the road, you get hooked in with a leader, a guru or any other soul collector then follow the same healing path as works for physical scar tissue.  Massage the scar with enough force to gently reawaken the pain, the memorized sensation, and with love, the reconciling force,  re-member the memory and feel the pain, with love.  Likewise, push the patterns with a leader or a lover with enough force to awaken their conscience.  And yours. See if the bond dissolves or an increased light brightens your pathway.  

Never forget you have been wounded by the Best. And never lie to yourself about not knowing which way is home. 


Imposition Versus Invitation


Citadelization of Our Brain II