Memory and Sensation

Thousands of years ago Chinese philosophers invented the terms yin and yang to describe the Tao. One hundred years ago Jungian analysts invented the anima and animus to help describe the human condition.  Both systems used masculine and feminine categories to describe life.  They took known qualities and invented a new name for qualification and description.  Outside looking in. Valuable. 

Every previous system of knowledge is founded upon various divisions of the whole cut into bite-sized components that hopefully still fit together.  Those earlier systems made up names for their divided components and then used commonly known divisions of life, such as masculine and feminine, to define the terms. What if we started with the most basic building blocks of the universe which science has yet to see behind, space and light? Once we find these core building blocks by looking to the outside world, we should be able to look within ourselves to find the same building blocks, if more humanized. And then the true test is, can we build our entire world from these simplest pieces?

Cosmonomics, uses the common, everyday terms of memory and sensation to describe the universe up to and including our relationship with God.  Memory is light and ranges from the personal record of an event to the memory of God at the Big Bang.  Sensation is vibration ranging from the background radiation of space from the Big Bang to the personal big bangs of a sneeze or an orgasm.   We could use the terms light and vibration but they are relatively sterile of human meaning and experience.  Memory and sensation are the water within which life itself floats.

Memory needs no further definition because it is being used to communicate these words.  Sensation needs no further definition because wherever gravity is holding our bodies down to Earth we sense our own weight.  It takes no science to describe each in its pure form as sunlight (memory) or touch (sensation).  Whenever they meet it is as some expression of life.  Cosmonomics calls this memorized sensation.  Light and vibration fill the universe but without something to feel and see these forces are lifeless.  Memory and sensation are the fundamental building blocks of what we know as life. Life is the child of memorized sensations.

We will see as we enter into the realm of memorized sensation, where life exists, how intimately connected these terms are to our human experience. Life, like the Tao, is incredibly complex and ineffable in its totality.  The more accessible and tangible the pieces of this puzzle, the easier to put it together.  Up until now the word God has been as mysterious as the word Tao.  But by starting with these basic building blocks of memorized sensation, we can climb very high in our understanding of ourselves, of the universe, and of our place in it.

In the old days, we had cassette tapes to record sound.  And film to capture light. We could say the celluloid mined from under Earth was the medium upon which the fresh sound or light from the sky was encoded. In terms of memory and sensation,  we would call the tape the recording medium, like the background radiation left from the big bang is waiting for some expression of memory to record. Blank tape is sensation waiting to be written upon.  Light and sound as various levels and qualities of expression are looking for something to write upon.  

The riddle “If a tree falls in the forest, does it make a sound if no one hears it” is an approximation of this mystery. Life is at the center of every meeting of memory and sensation and life is the redemption of spirit and matter stuck in an endless cycle until we connect them back together. The symbol of the cross depicts the intersection of two worlds.  One world is flat and horizontal and is empowered by the two poles of endless memory and endless sensation. It is so easy to get lost in the experience of life cycling around within the world bounded by order and chaos, memory and sensation.

There is another world.  The vertical world of being.  The zero point where the axis cross is at the center of the human heart.  Memory and sensation are wall to wall in the flat world.  To travel within the vertical world involves the individual ability to bring memory and sensation back home.  Cosmonomics is the science sitting at the heart of both worlds and the teaching of how the division and reconciliation of memory and sensation are managed by God and mismanaged by humans. Stay tuned.


Never Again


Citadelization of Our Brain III