Never Again

The theory of bioadministration is the use of the human body as the blueprint for human organization.  If this theory was fully established decades ago we would not find our world faced with an existential disaster from the breakdown of an overly complex system.  Yes, the human body is a complex system but with many fail-safes and redundant systems.  Sleep and its natural reboot every 24 hours prevent catastrophic failures due to fatigue.  The most critical statistic in the human body, the pH of arterial blood, has five independent methods to buffer our blood.  The human body is optimized for one thing, capable longevity in all conditions.  Whereas, modern civilization is optimized for growth and consumption in pursuit of a type of temporary wealth and power which are unsustainable in life or in the transition to death.

Our current human organization is an incredibly complex human-created software code in response to scientific progress and resource extraction.  Patch upon patch upon patch, it’s patches all the way down.  And the latest patches we are attempting to place upon the whole edifice involve things like the Metaverse and gender reassignment which are a fundamental rejection of the natural system upon which the whole organization rests even if we can no longer remember basic biology or why humans exist on Earth. 

The current hot topic on how we can continue to add more patches and complexity while ignoring all the broken systems upon which humanity rests is to reduce the population.  Or better described as pulling up the ladder of opportunity for a free and inspired life to only a few humans while the rest are starved and harvested.  Hunger games is where we are heading as a natural response to software code built upon exploitation…if…we humans do not push the reset button ourselves.  

A question worth exploring is why when faced with choices we know are unsustainable do we allow and even encourage our ruling class to execute systemic leadership we know at a conscious level will lead to a crash and burn scenario just to buy a few more months or years? Why not push the reset button?  Perhaps the answer is as simple as a child at play.  Do they ever stop before injury or exhaustion?  Or do children explore complex choices of rationalization in order to continue playing until stopped by external circumstances? Is finding limits by systemic failure the human condition?

Bioadministration is my offering to humanity after the crash and burn.  Maybe then we can remember we are no longer innocent children with the new and shiny toys like weapons of mass destruction and artificial intelligence. Maybe then we will never again allow ourselves to be led into blind alleyways like the idea of saving our own comfort by the idea of depopulation. The real fruits of trial and error and scientific discovery are not for short-term comfort but for long-term assimilation of universal laws which humanity cannot violate for long. Can we remember why the collapse happened and put up warning signs? 

The last fifty years of discovery of how our own individual internal human organization is structured is the crown jewel of human achievement, even if we have yet to see its value. Trial and error and follow the leader have been exercised to many, many deaths.  Even technocracy is a theoretical (trial) experiment run by so-called experts (leaders).  Whereas bioadministration is my name for the discovery of a whole new map to a new country. The trial and error of human evolution is older than we know and has already perfected an organization. The human. Leadership within the human organism is an elegant power-sharing arrangement between trillions of cells in a win-win cooperation of three unique and diverse power centers of mind, heart, and body.  Why keep experimenting with trial and error and follow the leader when all those mistakes and victories are already incorporated into the human design? 

Maybe my title and my offering of bioadministration could have been better humanized as “We Never Have to Again”.  Humans are notorious for knowing the right thing but doing the wrong thing.  I stated “Never Again” because bioadministration is a technology that, once understood and applied, will out-compete all other systems.  It will be more compassionate, more ruthless, more uncompromising, and more fulfilling and obviously outlast all its competitors because it has already won every competition throughout history.  

If you think I am just a proud father in my boast, think again.  Once a complex system collapses and chaos is unleashed with eight billion humans on a planet that can only feed a few billion without the complex system in functional order there is only one destination “survival of the fittest”.  What if we willingly adopt a perfected organization based on survival of the fittest before the fall or even as we fall?  Bioadministration anyone?


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Memory and Sensation