Defeating Cancers and Protecting Against Harmful Citadelization

The study of cancer as a dis-ease can be useful in also studying one leg of our triad, citadelization.  Each leg of our triad needs its own self-regulation or limitation that must be enforced by the other legs of the triad. For example, citadelization naturally and rightly opposes the centralization of power within bioadministration and the mind every night through sleep. What force prevents excessive citadelization with humans losing their connection to the whole? What if cells losing their systemic purpose start hiding in masses and packs who want to remain alive but find no common purpose with the life that is sustaining them?  Sounds a lot like historical falls of civilization, things we are seeing in the outer world, and also like the symptoms of cancer and its growth.

A cancerous tumor and its growth and survival methods is a form of negative citadelization destructive to the longevity of the host organism.  It is negative because its separation and distinction are not founded upon self-knowledge or self-empowerment but rather a loss of core program and purpose.  And yet cancer’s tenacity at survival and growth can shed light upon strategies of citadelization.  Let’s explore.

We have known for nearly one hundred years that cancer is essentially hypoxia (starvation of oxygen) and the cell, in pursuit of life, reverts to the fermenting of sugar instead of burning sugar with oxygen.  Simply, a cell loses its core program and specific mission for the body while not losing its desire to remain alive and reproduce.  This cellular event happens every day and our immune systems handle individual cancer cells easily, if, the body is in homeostasis.  A great indicator of homeostasis is pH.  An acidic pH from stress, lack of exercise, and sugary foods allows cancer to hide and flourish.

A body with an acidic pH is a body under stress.  We will steal calcium from our bones to buffer the blood and even take up the habit of smoking cigarettes as a way to temporarily alkalize the blood. But normalizing acidic body chemistry gives rise to an internal environment very susceptible to the growth of tumorous masses of cancer cells hiding together.  Not only do tumors reproduce themselves internally, they create an acidic energetic corona around the tumor to change their environment for normally functioning adjacent cells to bathe in.  This invites the cancer to grow by recruitment of healthy cells.  Tumors add blood capillaries for nourishment and, if not stopped, overwhelm the functional capacity of the organism to remain alive.  Cancers can stay alive through fermentation long after consciousness has permanently departed the body.  Barbarians can stay alive long after the civilization has collapsed.

What are the lessons cancer can teach us about citadelization? First, environment is key to health or disease.  A government that manufactures an acidic public policy environment is feeding cancers by creating stress through controversy, lack of exercise by programs that disconnect humans from productive work, and by overstimulating consumption of sugary foods by deficit spending and never allowing a period of fasting and, therefore, a return to homeostasis.  A government that promotes harmony through adherence to healthy policies does not create tumors of opposition.  But once tumors are created through specialized streams of nourishment to non-productive groupings of cells it is extremely hard to withdraw the blood flow. 

The heart and its blood carrying food and chi does not discriminate between productive or non-productive cells.  And the mind gets so many signals of hunger by all sorts of non-productive cells calling out to be fed that it just gives in to those voices so it can go back to whatever work the mind is really interested in.  Once cancer is citadelized within the body as a tumor there is very little the organism can do to defeat it without some type of intervention. The same with citizens of a democracy.  There must be some disturbing force similar to additions of herbal and vitamin supplements, a change of diet or even fasting engrained within the mind to bring the body back to homeostasis and a healing environment.  Similarly, a government must change its policies to mimic the same outcomes as a mind does for the body.

You might be thinking about outside intervention such as chemotherapy or surgery… poisoning or genocide of human cells that have been damaged and lost their way.  That is where the heart center comes in to restrain a mind from taking drastic measures to solve a systemic problem that it caused by allowing and even selling public policy that is overly sweet.  If the mind and the heart do not band together to change policy of life style, food consumption and a return to homeostasis then the organism is doomed once cancer is fully established.  

No, external interventions by outside forces reveal the systemic failings of the organization’s heart and mind centers which have abused their authority and responsibility to maintain a healthy environment within their own body.  Cancer is relatively easy to prevent but extremely hard to eradicate once fully established.  Perhaps this is the ultimate weapon of citadelization, to stop a systemically deranged mind and/or heart.  It is a quiet weapon that is a relentless teacher of discipline to the organization.  

Every unhealthy meal, every shocking movie or video, and every negative thought is another brick in the citadel that is encoded with a message of anti-life.  The negative karma of poor choices is stored in the body tissue for as long as possible in hopes of a metanoia, a change of heart and a change of mind.  The greatest and most effective revolutionaries like Ghandi and MLK did not raise armies.  They faced down their governments by revealing the cancerous diseases residing within the people forcing a change in policy that was the root cause of the disease in the first place.

Cancer is the silent killer until that life-changing diagnosis is unavoidable.  God bless the cells that made such a racket to wake us up to the hidden truth.  Citadelization, like cancer, is a relentless enforcer of health and truth no matter the cost. 


The Neutral World


Never Again