The Neutral World

Our last post in cosmonomics was on memory and sensation, two opposing forces who were once one and whose return to one is the mystery we humans call life.  Arguably the most common symbol ever on this planet so far is the cross.  The arms of the cross are memory and sensation.  The vertical axis is the ladder of being whose level of life is ruled by that life’s ability to reconcile memory and sensation back into a more complete expression of God or whatever name you want to use as the target and purpose of life.

Terrance McKenna, no Christian in the western understanding of the Christ, still based all his understanding about the nature of this reality on the idea of a “concrescence” which he defined as “the strange attractor at the end of time”.  Terrance was definitely an eschatologist who studied the end of time.  But instead of the re-membering of God as the attractor, he put what he called novelty.  To him, the penetration of newness into our world and therefore the breaking up of stuck patterns was the driver of human evolution.  He felt the pull, but he thought the attractor was in the realm of knowledge.  

Cosmonomics states our destination is being, knowledge just comes along with the package.  There must be a container for the knowledge because God may show you “the secrets of the universe” but the real test and mission is what you do with the knowledge.  To know is finite, to be is infinite.  As I have stated before, any true communication with God is simple to know, yet humanly impossible to fully be.  And that is the nature of our subject today, the neutral world.  Where the horizontal axis of memory and sensation have knowability, the vertical axis of being is where we hunt in the dark.

In a previous post, we discussed our conscience as the scar tissue and memory of the original tear from oneness into individuality.  So the idea we have less of a guide into the neutral world because we have pain and dopamine on the horizontal axis is partially true.  Pain and dopamine are automatic responses whereas listening to and following our conscience is always a choice.  

Terrance was a little obsessed with discovery of the end of time as a date on the calendar, but God has no deadline.  I have said God’s ace in the hole in the rigged game of the journey back to One is the human conscience.  The unstated second ace is infinite patience.  It is often wisely said, “it’s not the destination, it’s the journey”.  This makes so much sense because God already knows the destination.  The mystery that makes the journey worth the risk are the choices and the discoveries along the way. 

So if you could ask God what is it like at the top rung of the ladder on the vertical axis of being within the neutral world, God would say “as I describe how I feel to your divided consciousness and awaken your conscience, both you and I are enhanced at the same time.  It’s a moving target and I am on this journey with you.”  Being is the infinite journey of opportunity to know thyself.  Give life. Heal my children. Know thyself.  When they are your guideposts you know you are living in the vertical neutral world.

In the future, we will define the levels of reconciliation along the vertical axis as represented in the physical world from wood to water to electricity. But just like there’s no passing the boundary zones of order and chaos or ape and alien or pure memory and free sensation, there is no escape above or below on the vertical access.  We humans have bone.  We have water inside of us.  And we are electrified too. All at the same time. The maximum position is at the crossing point of the vertical and the horizontal embracing, embodying and being everything all at once.  Where else would God sit on the Throne of Heaven?

We will also study the laws that create, store and use the neutral force.  We will study the invisible spiritual forces some call angels and demons who promote division and reconciliation on demand.  We will explore past and possible future human adaptations to the cosmic need for neutral force.  We will also look at how some humans have consciously and unconsciously attempted to assemble pockets of humanity into their own source of spiritual food to assault the “Gates of Heaven”.  

It’s a long and wild ride, the neutral world.  That’s what happens when everything goes but nothing can be lost and there is an ultimate destination that is infinite.  Buckle up! 


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