A One-World Government

The idea of a single government for the entire world has a life cycle from impossible to even contemplate or accomplish progressing to it being the dream of mad conquerors to its full completion and implementation because this is how we were created to organize. Where are we on the life cycle of a one-world government? The entire twentieth century reflected, thru its world wars, the need for a new model of cooperation while at the same time the fall of communism and the death of the American unipolar moment has revealed how inoperative and incapable centralized control of humanity remains.  The idea still exists, on life support, as an irreconcilable contradiction sapping the true peacemakers' reservoir of hope and vision.

The United Nations, now alive for half a century, has been a valuable experiment of implementation of a global organization with much hope and promise yet still embedded with all the same pitfalls of political warfare.  Fundamentally, the UN is still run by the old rules of geopolitics and its jockeying for power and control through fractionalization and by the manipulation of agendas by moneyed interests based on power and control.  No honest advocate for enhanced UN governing authority can make any realistic promise of improved world conditions for its people over the decentralized self-interest of the nation-state.  

Look at the previous and ongoing experiments of limited geography super governments like the Soviet Union, the European Union, the Chinese Communist Party, and the American Empire. All have failed or are dying because they are all built on selling a collective interest which always devolves into a gang bang of self-interest backed by money and power to capture that idealized center of control.  People of every color, race, and religion are rightly and rationally opposed to any more experiments with their lives based on the same fundamental rules of engagement which leads inevitably to a game of thrones at the top. 

So what now? If conquest by religion or power politics has finally been exhausted and nuclear weapons have even made conquest a guaranteed hot mess, what next? How about an invitation?  Feminine attraction instead of another failed masculine domination.  Can beauty and health and harmony become the organizing principles of humanity? These goals are the organizing principles of every human conscience to direct the individual human organization.  Why not for humanity?

Humanity has been gifted with a taste of a higher order of human wealth and harmony thru globalization and free trade.  The American patriarchy, of which I am naturally and unavoidably a part, became for a moment a world patriarchy with every opportunity to succeed if it could reform itself with honest money, justice for all and no more secrets. Hitler “should” have won too, on paper, but history and the fate of humanity have a better plan.  Bioadministration.

Forget the politics of the past seventy-five years. Forget the politics of the past five hundred years.  Politics is the sideshow, the daily soap operas of the Age of Enlightenment.  Its true accomplishment is the scientific discovery of the organization of the human body, heart, mind system.  We could finally look inside the organization built and refined by Nature as the perfect response to every possible opportunity and calamity, man itself.

Now begins the slow and steady invitation to the dawning realization there is a divine blueprint for humanity.  That blueprint is called bioadministration. We use the human body, heart, mind system as the blueprint for humanity’s organization. As above, so below. And to verify and bound bioadministration in its infancy we add cosmonomics and citadelization.  Cosmonomics, man’s duty and purpose to the cosmos verifies bioadministration’s effectiveness as humanity’s organizing principal from above.  And citadelization, from below, as each individual human’s ability to better express their own soul’s calling within bioadministration and therefore each human’s willing win-win contribution to the whole out of collective self-interest. 

And now we humans who still love the beauty and creativity that is humanity face the final “Dweller on the Threshold” of transhumanism with artificial intelligence and gene editing and the fourth industrial revolution. The test for humanity is can we seize the human blueprint we have just discovered and apply it before we are overwhelmed by what should be assistant technologies akin to electric light and the telephone instead of technology being the tools of human enslavement.  I can agree to a total surveillance state just like within any human nervous system as long as there are no secrets for the mind or the ruling classes.  I can see robots doing all the dirty work as long as we add to the bill of rights that no machine can enforce any law upon any human. I can see gene editing as long as it is applied equally to heal any disease not be a tool of an elite class to make them more ‘worthy’ to rule the masses.  

Survival of the fittest evolving into win-win cooperation is the story of the human organism.  Win-win cooperation is a healthy family.  The next organization of humanity to accomplish win-win cooperation is the healthy tribe.  The constitution of the United States was our attempt to raise win-win cooperation to the nation-state level. When survival of the fittest re-invades any level of organization, the human, the family, the tribe, and the nation fall.  

We now have a blueprint and we now have a track record.  Can and should humanity embark on the journey to one-world government?  We already have.  Let’s make it a win-win for every cell in humanity. My plan is bioadministration partnered with cosmonomics and citadelization. 


People Power


The Neutral World