People Power

Is it possible for the people that comprise a complex system on the verge of collapse to defensively organize without structural leadership in order to stop the fall of the system into chaos and full reboot? I am not talking about massive decentralization, although that is a very rational and necessary first step. I am talking about a systemic reaction to an impending disaster analogous to pulling your hand from a hot stove. I am talking about the instinct of self-preservation mixed with the superpower of crisis response akin to a mother lifting a car off her child.  Can humanity, in extreme and rare moments, act as one to avoid disaster?  Is there a hidden autonomic nervous system connecting humanity outside the control of governmental mind and the internet with kill switches? True people power.

Unfortunately, it takes a taste so putrid, a smell so vile, a slap so surprising or sight so threatening to trigger an instantaneous and coordinated whole-body reaction. These natural events are fortunately rare and governments are also instinctually wise enough to not trigger an autonomic response.  But there is another way that governments excel at triggering people power…compression.  A nuclear reaction is the compression of the nuclear mass at the center of the bomb with a perfectly designed high-explosive charge surrounding it. Implosion, and therefore over-compression of life’s need for authentic expression, is the nuclear trigger.  A perfectly designed oppression is the key to unlock authentic people power.

The World Economic Forum seems to think it can trigger an implosion of the world economy and then navigate its reboot and a “build back better” organization.  New World Order becomes The Great Reset.  Of course, they believe they do not get reorganized in the implosion.  They will fail because they are attempting to put new wine in an old patriarchal skin.  No, this time the patriarchy is the implosive nuclear trigger and will be sacrificed in the lesson to come. What is that lesson?  People power.

Phase one is the awakening of the people to the fact that our democracy is a sham for oligarchy and that our political leaders are all actors pretending they are in charge but are unable to reform any of the critical systems upon which our civilization rests.  Even casual observers of our government who are not blinded by party affiliation can feel the compressive force of our education system, our health care system, our food system, and our legal/law enforcement system all setting up for massive implosion.  We are deeply into this phase of awakening into the power the people must take to preserve what has been built since World War II, perhaps since the Enlightenment.

Phase two is the awakening of the people to the fact that no second coming of a savior or enlightened alien landing is going to do the people’s job for them.  The savior complex of the Piscine age apocalypse and alien landing fantasies have lost their celestial alignment.  The Aquarian age of each person being their own water (wisdom) bearer is here.  This repetitive forecasting of an existential disaster is coming and coming and coming but never showing is another form of compression.  Our emotional bodies are being charged like a defibrillator by repeated swings from hope to hopelessness, optimism to despair.  Most people committed to life are fully charged and ready to pop.

Phase three is the “watch out, it’s going to blow” warning.  Instincts are starting to kick in to prepare for the implosive trigger event.  For example, many people complain of the corporate influence on politics today. Fascism is the charge, but actually, this is an instinctual and natural step to fill the power vacuum of a tired, bureaucratic government by large and powerful human organizations like Tesla, Home Depot, Apple, and Amazon/Whole foods to keep the system functional during the mental reboot. I, for one, feel much more empowered dealing with a large product/service organization than my own government.  All sorts of other surfacing impulses to plant a garden, stockpile food, and find your tribe show self-empowerment instinctual actions are rising everywhere.  This is the phase where the first few fish of the school along the threat axis sense danger approaching.  That near-magical, sub-conscious communication system is already signaling an alert to the entire school.

Phase four is the reawakening of trust. This process of compression, implosion, and re-creation is so overwhelming to the little ego self who usually struts around like our politicians claiming control that the greater Self must show up to take the reins.  That can happen when we start to fully trust there is a deeper wisdom and a higher power within the collective Self of humanity and whatever created us.  Whatever judgment towards the triggering, oppressive, implosive force is washed away in the forgiving ecstasy of harmonious explosive enlightenment.  The entire journey forces an opening to the transcendent state of communion with a clarity of truth we humans have named God.  In God We Trust. Again.

People power is a collective gift of individualized epiphanies of what being a real human and harmonious humanity feels like, if only for a moment.  We need no external leader or savior, they live within each one of us individually as a potential collective victory.  Imagine the joy-filled empowerment at the end of WWII.  People power is God’s gift to humanity delivered within a scarring traumatic journey perfectly guided by bureaucratic idiocy to reveal the founding memory at the core of human existence. We all are cells living inside of God’s body.  

Watch a child learn to walk. If the entire organism is not harmonized there is no chance. Harmonious action among humans is the re-membering of God individually and collectively into a near-magical force capable of sweeping away all limitations to God’s plan for all the individual cells of humanity on Earth. Power to the people.


The Neutral World II


A One-World Government