The Neutral World II

After re-reading “The Neutral World” post I am unsatisfied and have teased myself into refining and delivering a silver bullet in words, if possible.  No more messing around in mystery and innuendo. So, it is not the mass nor the velocity of a silver bullet fired into the heart of something evil that can end its life, because, being evil is paid for from the non-physical world. It is the radiation of the properties of silver within the non-physical, spiritual world that expels its further existence in the physical body hit by the bullet.  Today, I will clearly deliver with mass and velocity and silver my description of the neutral world, not to kill you, but to set you free. 

There is something in physics called ‘the three-body problem’.  It is a ‘problem’ for physics because it is hard to stabilize and calculate reactions in a three-body system. But the human mind, heart, body is, by design, a three-body system and instability is a feature, not a bug.  This feature, instability, is an asset to the human and to the spirit world infused in every living thing. Life is a three-body unstable system.  The counterbalance to the instability of the three-body ‘problem’ is the level of bond, reconciliation, or harmony (all names for neutral forces) that holds the system together. Its spirit or soul, some would say. With a higher level of reconciliation, a three-body system can be easily perturbed on demand while not destroying the organism. Remember, humans are not at the top of the energetic food chain so instability and resiliency are designed-in features. Think harvesting a ripe fruit without disturbing the life of the plant.

A full description of the six laws of the three worlds is too much for a blog post, and this is unnecessary anyway. I am not going to describe how to milk another human, or salt a wound for its preservation. I am going to talk about how humans change eternity, by harvesting instability and restoring harmony and, therefore, take dominion over our human organizations at all levels.  Yes, this is a play for power. You taking your power. So wake up now or go away.  There is a silver bullet heading for your heart.

First, remember that the science of cosmonomics studies how the forces of division (Devil), repelling (instinct) attraction (conscience), and reconciliation (Christ) act upon all the reservoirs of memorized sensation within the biosphere, within human organizations, and within the individual human three-body system.  Second, every living thing is a three-body organization of plus, minus, and neutral named in many ways like mind, body, heart or father, mother, child, etc.  Third, the level of reconciliation or disharmony is the master key to physical health, emotional well-being, and mental understanding, in short, personal power.

The neutral force is produced in the domain of the heart with its emotions. Every feeling within the emotional body of a human is some frequency of energetic raw material for refinement into the neutral force.  Low, harsh emotions generally create events which become trapped by the body within a structure we call memorized sensations.  These memories of emotional events become the building blocks of our personality, our ego wall, and even the lines on our face and chronic muscle contractions (pain).  Unless we have our own personal hygiene of forgiveness or some effective religious or spiritual practice this raw material remains stored in our three-body system waiting for the death journey.  

A heart attack is an uncontrolled recapitulation of our stored contradictions. It may be triggered by an ‘accident’ or by our soul’s calling that pulls the plug.  From a cosmic perspective,  there may be an immediate demand for neutral force and the least reconciled three-body organisms are harvested. But the repeatedly seeded within humanity techniques of prayer, meditation, and other spiritual practices are tools of increased reconciliation and resilience within humans and their organizations to supply the neutral force on demand. The fruit is plucked without pulling out the roots.  A spiritual journey is a surrender of the raw materials normally harvested at death.  Reconcile your own story before you die or you are a juicy target.

Now, if you truly understand what I have said, we are finally at the place of the possibility of changing eternity by producing neutral force within your own heart with your own intention.  The Philosopher’s Stone was said to be a mystical substance that could become anything.  Alchemy was refining lead into gold.  I am giving it to you like a silver bullet to the heart.  No more metaphors, mysteries, or secret societies.  You and every other human have the power to produce the magical substance humans were made to produce, store and refine for God or for your personal unseen god.  That is why this knowledge is often wrapped in mystery and why it is a fight over who controls it.

But I, with my BCC Institute, plan a new civilization with a new unifying principle much closer to our hearts than sex or money.  Power? Yes. The power that comes with the beauty and resiliency from being in harmony with life in all three bodies.  There is no three-body ‘problem’ if you already know and can feel the destination we were designed for by whatever Force created us and depends on humanity as a vital organ in its greater body.  And…what kind of world would we create if each human knew how to manage their own supply of neutral force instead of it being manipulated and harvested by other humans and the lesser gods?

My silver bullet was aimed at something in another world. Stay tuned for part III.


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