Feminine Wealth

The beauty of a great partnership lies in the division of responsibilities, attributes, and instincts between two polarities covering the widest field capably aligned upon the same mission.  My favorite example of a good partnership is father and mother as parents even down to physiology with men being bigger and stronger representing the need for power and the women having the womb of creation and the nervous system to stand the pain of birth being the container of wealth.  Power and wealth like direction and speed are essential to the effectiveness of each other.  Lose one polarity and the other is both powerless and bankrupt.

Today we are going to explore the idea of feminine wealth. For too long, the abundance of our planet’s biosphere and its wealth of raw materials has undervalued the maintenance of wealth while also overvaluing the masculine drive to discover new organizations and technologies to consolidate power over this abundant wealth.  The power to harvest wealth has outstripped the wealth to sustain power.  

We can come back into balance and harmony by limiting the masculine power or enhancing the feminine wealth.  As a man and an observer of history, I don’t see the decades-long trend to disempower the masculine in order to find balance as a solution, only an invitation to explosive reaction. I see an enhancement of feminine wealth as the only healthy and safe route forward.  The glue that holds the partnership together is honor.  Dishonoring masculine power is very dangerous. Honoring feminine wealth is the way to harmony…and the true regulator of masculine power.

Let’s start at the most fundamental division of masculine and feminine, at the level of our DNA.  We have DNA in the nucleus of every cell that comes from both our parents and this kind of DNA tells us what the cell’s power and function are for the body. Muscle, liver, brain, blood, etc.  This is simple to understand and reflects the pig-headedness we men have towards our mission in life, if we are still lucky enough to feel our mission and that it has not been corrupted. Nuclear DNA is masculine.

We also have mitochondrial DNA passed down to us from our mother alone.  The mitochondria in our cells is generally considered the powerhouse of the cell manufacturing the ATP by burning sugars and fat with oxygen.  That is like saying we get power from the meal that mom cooked but forgetting that she’s in charge of the pantry, the serving size, the kind of calories, the spices in the meal and mealtime.  She, and the mitochondria, are the storehouse of wealth and the gatekeeper to the release of wealth into useable power.  Our mitochondria, like a sensitive woman, feels and knows exactly what is going on in the greater body through subtle chemical signaling without needing any installed nervous system connected to the brain. 

Chronic fatigue syndrome, nearly an epidemic today, is the mitochondria judging that the organism is under stress and needs to close down the cell and its energy production.  This condition of a lack of energy is not a disease, it is the rational response of the feminine principle saying ‘I am not funding what is going on here’ based on the biofeedback signals she is sensitive to. Coffee, cocaine, and adrenaline can force temporary compliance from the mitochondria to raid the storehouse and also sets up a crash scenario.  The power to overcome the feminine is temporary.  The power of ‘no’ within the feminine is cumulative up to and including death.

Cancer is a damaged cell that has lost its mitochondria’s ability to use oxygen to burn sugars and fats for energy.  A dying human organization, be it a family, tribe or civilization, mirrors cancer because the feminine source of converting wealth into power has been lost.  Cancer is a disease of the environment.  A healthy environment of masculinity and femininity in an honored partnership is free of cancer.  An unhealthy environment within the cell between wealth and power starts a feminine targeting of access to wealth directed into defensive and immune functions.  And therefore, masculine power to accomplish the cell’s mission is compromised.

Now, look at our human organization.  What is the health or disease of our power and wealth partnership?  Few honest observers would say we are getting wealthier or more powerful.  What started the breakup? It always starts with a lack of honor leaving the organism open to destabilization. And then an emergency empowers the masculine and often becomes an addiction to continuous excessive power for a dubious cause.  And then the feminine begins to withdraw wealth and/or compete for the direction of power.  One by one the cells succumb to the masculine-feminine disconnect leading to cancer’s loss of both wealth within the mitochondria and power within the nucleus.  Fermentation may keep the cell ‘alive’ but there is no wealth or power to add to the greater body, only a hiding from and a sucking the greater body down into death.

A good doctor of civilization would take one look at the suffering Western Civilization patient  and prescribe a healthy dose of honor to feminine wealth followed by a bureaucratic and legislative agenda that mirrors what the sensitive mitochondria does within each cell and what a healthy organism would do to give proper signals to feminine wealth.  Close the borders, stop the deficit spending, stop the excessive consumption of energy and soil, improve the food and water supply, remove the broadcast of psychological and biological warfare for power and profit, stop the political dramas that induce fear and stress, protect the innocence of youth, prepare for economic disease and all its consequences and reduce interventions and ‘power’ politics. To name a few prescriptions.

Sending these signals to the feminine arbiter of wealth within each cell, each human, each family, and our culture is the essential medicine that is irreplaceable by any spin or propaganda. A million years of evolution says so.  And more simply, honor thy father…and thy mother has always been on the top ten list.


The Citadelization Instinct


The Neutral World II